
Title Trial Deck and Title Booster 02 “Record of Ragnarok” are our latest collaboration sets with the popular animation series, “Record of Ragnarok”. “Ragnarok” refers to a tournament consisting of one-on-one showdowns to the death between thirteen fighters each representing the gods and the humans respectively. Whichever side that reaches seven victories first will be declared the winner. If the gods win, humanity will face extinction but if humanity’s champions win, mankind can exist for another 1000 years.

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Cardfight!! Vanguard Title Trial Deck 02 “Record of Ragnarok”

Cardfight!! Vanguard Title Trial Deck 02 “Record of Ragnarok”

Cardfight!! Vanguard Title Booster 02 “Record of Ragnarok”

Cardfight!! Vanguard Title Booster 02 “Record of Ragnarok”