【異世界美少女受肉おじさんと 第09話/Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to 09】
勇者と愛と美の女神 / Hero, Goddess of Love and Beauty.
橘と野盗と結婚の申し込み / Tachibana, a thief, and an application for marriage.
神宮寺とエルフの象徴 / Symbol of Jinguji Temple and Elves.
ただの値切り交渉のつもりが効き目が強すぎたせいでとんでもない事に/For some reason the intention of bargaining is ridiculous.
勇者と動く巨大な鎧 / Huge armor that moves with a hero.
シュバ君と魔族ヴィズド / Shuba-kun and the demons Vizdo.
エルフと奇妙な村の捧げ物 / Elves and strange village offerings.
デキる男と巨大イカのエサ / Good-looking guy and squid food.
神宮寺と謎の商人 / Jinguji Temple and a mysterious merchant.
神宮寺と究極の選択 / Jinguuji Temple and the ultimate choice.
王都イシュルナと愛と美の女神の神殿 / The royal city of Ishurna and the Temple of Love and Beauty.
勇者と皇女と公開処刑 / Public execution with hero and princess.
皇女と反乱に納得しない一般市民たち / Citizens who are not convinced by the rebellion.
引くに引けなくなった男シュバルツ!グラムソードの力/The cornered man, Schwartz. The power of Gram Sword.
橘に救われた神宮寺、神宮寺に救われた橘 / Jinguuji Temple saved by Tachibana, Jinguuji Temple saved by Tachibana.
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