NEW ENDING確認済み?! |進撃の巨人| AOEの説明

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In this video we’re about to explore the evidence behind how Attack on Titan could have a NEW anime original ending,. The idea behind “AOE” is that there are multiple timelines in AOT, with the manga and anime timeline’s having significant differences already.

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Video Info:

Ok so the core of this theory relies on there being at least four separate timelines, which are the original timeline; the manga timeline, the Lost Girls timeline and finally the aot anime timeline. In order to explain how all these universes are connected, we first need to examine to the source of all living matter, also known as the weird creature living inside Eren’s spine. During episode 19 of the final season, Eren experienced visions not just from his past and future, but also from actual alternate timelines that exist in the multiverse. For example, this glimpse of goth Mikasa and nerdy Armin is from a completely different reality, in which the main characters attend a modern day high school. For Goth Mikasa to appear in Eren’s memories in both episode 19 and manga, it proves beyond any doubt that the source of all living matter is connected to the multiverse.

This connection is precisely what makes an anime original ending possible, with Mikasa being the trigger that causes new universes to created. Way back in 2013 a visual novel called Lost girls introduced us to the idea of multiple realities in Attack on Titan and since then it’s been adapted into a comic version and an anime version. Seemingly whenever Eren dies, Mikasa’s emotions become so intense that the source of all living matter manifests a new reality. In these realities the chracaters have a chance to try things differently and on occasion they remember fleeting memories from their alternate selves. This could explain why Mikasa has suffered from headaches for a long time, since the pain could be a side effect of her memories being viewed by alternate versions of herself and alternate versions of Ymir. As crazy as this all might sound at first, we need to remember that Mikasa is part of a genetically modified bloodline, who were only created thanks to titan science. An Ackermans relationship with the founding titan is therefore very different from any other type of eldian, and as we’ve seen, they’re able to tap into its potential in a way that no one else can. Just like how Eren was able to use paths to bend reality in his own way, Mikasa’ has unknowingly been doing the same by creating new timelines. In every new reality she tries her best to prevent him from dying but in the end it always happens one way or another, cause like they said in Lost Girls, Eren is inextricably linked with death (Eren’s destiny is to die).

Moving on, now that we’ve established that the multiverse is a thing, it’s time break down how the four main realities are connected. Starting with the original timeline, as the name suggests this was the very first timeline to exist, and in it Mikasa confessed her true feelings. One important thing you need to remember is that during the trip to Liberio Eren was seriously doubting whether he wanted to go through with the rumbling. That’s why he decided to ask Mikasa why she cares about him, because depending on her response, he was willing to give up on his plan to destroy the world. In this original timeline she gave him the answer he wanted by telling him how she really felt and following that they run away together to live out his remaining years in peace. This dramatic scene was shown in chapter 138 of the manga and the two of them went on to have a quiet life up in the marlyean mountains. The house they were living in was presumably built by the Attack Titan and for the next four years it seemed like most of their days were spent either relaxing, fishing, or collecting wood. Gradually though time came when the curse of Ymir began to destroy Eren’s body, which is what happens to every titan shifter once they’ve had the power for too long. Knowing that his death was unavoidable he made Mikasa promise to move on after he dies and it’s why she doesn’t cry when he eventually passes away.