
Hiroyuki Sanada Tribute 真田広之 Manabe Toshihiko in タブロイド Tabloid Ep7-10 Why Don't You Tell the Truth?

This is the second half of one of my favorite Japanese shows starring 真田広之 Hiroyuki Sanada. I have tried to give the main points of the show and the tone without giving away too much about the ending (though I believe anyone watching would know how the show has to end). Still, I only want to encourage people who haven’t seen it to look for it and watch it if they can. So well acted by all the cast, but of course, especially Mr. Sanada who manages to make a very dark character incredibly empathetic. Sanadasan is an amazingly talented artist. I also very much love this song, and I thought that it fit well with the second half of the show. I hope you will enjoy and continue to support Mr. Sanada. Thank you so much for watching!

If you like my pictures you can take a closer look at them on https://www.deviantart.com/indigorose2012 and you can download any of them. The downloads are free. I do not charge money. I only want to showcase Mr. Sanada’s hard work and talent. Please enjoy!