

加藤綾子, 女子アナ

On social networking sites, “It! The day before her graduation, people were already saying, “Tomorrow is the last day of Katopan? It’s too bad we won’t be able to see her and Gachapin together anymore. It’s too bad.” “I always tuned in to the news about Katopan in the evenings,” “He’s really graduating tomorrow! I can’t believe it!
 Last June, she announced her marriage to the second president of a supermarket chain with annual sales of 200 billion yen. It!” As for the reason for her graduation, her agency stated, “In the wake of her marriage, she wants to spend more time with her family,” and explained, “She will take a break from work for a while to take care of her own health and spend time with her family. In the “Homma dekka” episode, she also hinted at her own fertility.


