Edens Zero Full Manga Chapter 224 [60FPS 720p] | Planet Guilst (U0) (Motion Manga)

Just like I said last chapter, all the happiness is bound to be met with some doom!

Nice moment between Shiki and Weisz this chapter, feel like we don’t get enough character moments between two enough like this. Sister being evil in this universe would make so much sense for here character, lowkey hoping she fights Shiki next chapter and after a while regains her memories. But HOMURA!!! It had to be the Kimono Queen didin’t it 😭, she was threatened with this in universe 1 when Shiki died it the scum bag Draken is back to fulfill his promise. Here’s hoping the rescure arc for Homura starts ASAP and Shiki vs Draken happens with both at full power this time.

That’s another thing I’ve realised. The series so far has seen a lot of potential characters not living up to their hype/potential but maybe Universe 0 is the reason for that, I hope that Hiro uses this universe properly to max out the potential of every character.

My SamiAnimeZero account got terminated because of my EZ content so this video won’t be public on YouTube for too long, like always, go find it on the site linked below.

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