
ブログ投稿 #1 小林麻央

Hello everyone,

I would like to share Mao Kobayashi’s life story through her blog.
Mao is a Japanese news caster and actress who married to Kabuki actor,Ebizo Ichikawa in 2010. Mao and Ebizo are blessed with a daughter and a son.
She was diagnosed breast cancer in 2014 and passed away on the 22nd June, 2017.

She started her blog in 2016 to break up with herself that was overshadowed due to her illness.
Her blog touched many people’s heart in Japan, of course mine too.

I had a lot of challenges in my life and I cannot count that how many times her blog saved me, encouraged me to move on and ultimately she told me how precious our lives are.

I would like the world to know about her, her story, please visit her blog which have been translated to English.


Thank you,