Did the anime adaptation of the popular manga series Created by the author of Fairy Tail Hiro Mashima flopped? The answer whatever Edens Zero flopped or not is actually complicated but the same time quite simple. The Edens Zero anime Didn’t Flopped.
edenszero #anime #manga
Edens Zero is a popular weekly manga series created by the author of Fairy Tail, Rave Master, and Dead Rock, called Hiro Mashima. Published in Kodansha’s weekly Shonen Magazine.
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FAIRY TAIL: https://youtu.be/krmo4uTkn3Y
EDENS ZERO: https://youtu.be/0MFTn2Alylo
DEAD ROCK: https://youtu.be/Ngn_d3dr8f4
BORUTO: https://youtu.be/1nNItOWhPa0
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