

Surviving Taiwan With Only $70 Hello, it’s Yuuka! I made this little intro, what do you think? How do you like it? I’m in Taiwan right now. So, they speak Chinese in Taiwan. In Chinese, my name is Youshan. So, my friends from China and people from China often call me Xiangxiang as a nickname. I combined it a little bit. Xiangxiang! Since I’m in Taiwan today, I want to try a $70 (10,000 yen) challenge here. I previously did a video on spending 10,000 yen in Vietnam, and it was pretty popular. So today, I’ll spend 10,000 yen in Taiwan. The vibe here is quite similar to Japan. Earlier, I saw Second Street and there are quite a few stores that look just like the ones in Japan. There’s even a 7-Eleven here. I just arrived, so I haven’t explored much yet. Starting my $70 adventure from Shilin Night Market! I plan to spend 10,000 yen. Taiwan: Capital – Taipei, Population – 23.57 million First, let’s exchange 10,000 yen to Taiwanese dollars. Now I have 2000 TWD. Feels like I have less… I don’t like this… The Taiwanese dollar is about one-fifth the value of the Japanese yen. So, 10,000 yen is 2000 TWD. The money here is pretty simple, so calculations should be easy. Oh wow, there’s a picture of a frog here. Is this frog food? It’s not frog at all. Just regular noodles. Alright, let’s walk around a bit. I just got off the plane, I wanted to arrive earlier to explore, but morning flights were expensive, so I took a cheaper evening flight. That’s why I’m here now. Wow. So many delicious-looking foods. This is a famous Taiwanese dish, called "Da Chang Bao Xiao Chang". I’ve never had it before. I want to look around a bit more first, so let’s take a lap. It smells… something smells weird. Oh, they are speaking Japanese. I can speak Chinese though. Since they speak Chinese here, I think I can manage with my Chinese. I’ll try my best with confidence! There’s an arcade here too. I wonder how much it costs? UFO catcher ¥50 / $0.32 Cheaper than in Japan. About half the price. What is this? Oysters just lying out in the open. Is this Taiwanese beer? Taiwan Beer If I drink this now, I might get too drunk to film. I’ll have some later. This street is full of food stalls, it’s mainly for eating. I want to decide what to eat around here. What should I eat? I’m really hungry. The last thing I ate was airplane food. But the airplane food was bad this time. Airplane food can be hit or miss, right? This time it was like a stew and it wasn’t very tasty. So I really want to eat something delicious now. Wow! What’s this? They have lots of lanterns hanging up. Shilin Cixian Temple Wow, looks so yummy. Look, they even have signs in Japanese. Oh no, I can’t decide what to eat. When I was little, I used to eat lamb skewers in China. They call it Yáng Ròu Chuàn. I wonder if they have it here? I want to eat it. Oh, there’s Yáng Ròu Chuàn! One lamb skewer, please. Yay, I found Yáng Ròu Chuàn! Got some beer too. Cheers! Oops, wrong word. Ganbei! Ganbei is correct, right? Tastes good. It’s lighter than Japanese beer. It’s refreshing and easy to drink. Finally, having the lamb skewer I’ve been craving. It’s delicious. I’ve been wanting to eat this for so long. So good. Yáng Ròu Chuàn ¥388 / $2.47 Taiwan beer ¥388 / $2.47 total ¥776 / $4.93 Someone just asked if I’m Yuuka Suzuki. Thank you! They said they like Suzuki. I’m so happy, thank you! Getting approached by a Taiwanese beauty while drinking. Isn’t that amazing? I got recognized in Taiwan. Can you believe it? I’m so happy. They said I’m famous in Taiwan. Really…? I’m so happy. Getting surrounded by Taiwanese beauties and taking pictures. Can I take a photo with my phone too? Taking pictures with them too. OK, thank you! I’m so happy, thank you. I’m so happy. No one ever recognizes me in Japan. Even when I’m filming, no one ever approaches me. But on my first day in Taiwan, I got recognized. They asked if I’m Yuuka Suzuki. They said I’m famous in Taiwan. Maybe I should move here. I’m so happy. This is happiness. Good food, drinks, and getting approached by beautiful women. I’m a guy on the inside. So delicious. This place is apparently the main branch of the one I mentioned earlier. The main branch is super popular, there’s a long line. Since I’m here, I’ll join the line too. I wonder if it’s tasty? Guanzheng Zongchuangshidian Da Chang Bao Xiao Chang – Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice This night market is the largest and most famous night market in Taipei. It’s been around since about 1900, so it’s over 100 years old. And now that you mention it, the buildings do look pretty old. That’s why it’s so crowded and popular. That’s why it’s so crowded and popular. Oh no, I finished my beer. I’m getting a bit tipsy. I’ve been in line for so long at this popular place. I’ve been drinking the whole time and now it’s gone. It looks like there are both sticky rice sausages and regular ones, kind of like a mix. I don’t even know what I’m in line for anymore. Anyway, let’s give it a try. Got it! It’s a sticky rice sausage… Apparently it has ground meat inside, but does it really? I’m not even sure what I ordered. I just got the most popular one. There were different flavors, but I was recommended the soy sauce flavor, so I went with that. Time to dig in! It’s not a regular sausage, how do I describe it… It’s kind of sticky with crunchy bits inside (?), like a weird sausage. Oh no, I’m too tipsy to make sense… I hope you get what I mean. Please understand. But it’s really tasty. Oh wow, look at this. Amazing. There’s something similar in Shinjuku too, right? Some poop just flew by. So delicious. Taiwanese food is so good. This was 65 TWD, So it’s less than 300 yen. It’s cheap, less than 300 yen. In Japan, this would probably sell for around 700 yen, right? It’s a weekday, but look at this crowd! Isn’t it amazing? And there are so many bikes. They just weave through the people walking. It’s dangerous but fun. It’s dangerous but fun. What’s this? There’s a huge line. Is this Eringi? It looks like Eringi mushrooms. Eringi mushrooms are so popular. Let’s get in line and see what all the fuss is about. Wow, look at this line. Doing the "Perfect Human" dance. Isn’t it crazy? I’ve never seen such a long line. The lanterns look like mushrooms. Are mushrooms really that popular? What’s this about? Ta-da! Got some sautéed Eringi mushrooms. What is this? Let’s dig in. It’s sweet and spicy. But it’s really good. I thought it was a potato, but it’s Eringi. Of course it’s Eringi, it’s an Eringi specialty store. This was 120 TWD, so it cost around 500-600 yen. It’s a bit pricier than other things. But why is it so popular? It’s tasty but more expensive than the others, so I’m curious why it’s so popular. Apparently, the stylish mushroom lanterns are the draw. I’m finally sobering up. I was tipsy earlier, but now I’m good. How much have I spent so far? I first bought meat for 80 TWD, then beer for 80 TWD, next the sausage for 65 TWD, and this was 120 TWD. Wait, I can’t do the math, but I think I’ve spent around 2000 yen. So I still have 8000 yen left. But I’m pretty full now. I saw some fun activities like shooting games, so I want to spend the rest on something other than food. This $100 challenge includes the hotel, so I’ll look for a hotel later. I haven’t booked a hotel yet, so I don’t have a place to stay. But from what I saw, there seem to be plenty of vacancies, so it should be fine. I want to find a cheap but nice place. Oh look, there’s Hello Kitty. What’s this? It’s like a dorayaki, but with Hello Kitty. So cute. It even has eyelashes. It’s a fake. There are quite a few sweets, like strawberry candy and tapioca. They have a good selection of sweet stuff. They have a bit of everything. Ta-da, here it is! horror kitty horror horror horror horror horror kitty I made up a fake song for this fake Hello Kitty. It has matcha custard inside, like a brain. There’s also a bear, but it’s not related to Hello Kitty. It’s a different character. I found a really cute clothing store. They have stuff I would wear. Isn’t this cute? Like this kind of thing. This one has pads inside, super cute. One costs 140 TWD, but if you buy three, it’s 400 TWD, so it’s a good deal. Maybe I’ll try to negotiate for a discount. Do you think I can get three for 300 TWD? I’ll try asking for 300. Two pink ones might be too much. Like a Lin Chi Paako outfit. I want to change one, but they don’t have other colors. I’m torn, what should I do? Which one should I choose? I can’t decide. The elephant one, maybe I’ll use it as pajamas. I’ll try asking for these three for 300 TWD. Oh… Excuse me, I want to buy these three… I’m not the shop staff. Sorry!! I asked the wrong person, how embarrassing. I mistook a customer for the staff. Excuse me, I want to buy these three… Can you give me a discount? How much? 300 TWD. No way, no way. Sorry. They said no. Guess I’ll have to pay. Goodbye, 500 TWD. No discount. Even though it’s so cute. Ta-da. I’ve come to the area with lots of games and fun activities. It’s like a festival, looks fun. A cute girl asked me "Wanna try?" so I got tempted. There are darts here. This darts game looks so fun. Oh, it’s so cute. Isn’t it cute? What’s this character’s name? I don’t know much about Disney, so I don’t know. How much is it? If you score over 200 points, you get a prize. If you score over 200 points, you get a prize. I can’t play darts, can I do it? Miraculously hits the center. Not bad, right? 68 points with two darts. Okay, 97 points. I messed up. Three more darts. Oh no, I might not make it. No prize? Seems like no prize. That was 100 TWD, so about 500 yen. Enough to buy a full meal. Escape attempt. Failed escape attempt. Look, this basketball game looks fun. I feel like I can do this one. Look, a cat plushie. I already have that one. If you make two out of five shots, you get a prize. If you make two out of five shots, you get to choose a plushie. This one is also 100 TWD. About 500 yen. I’ll get serious now. Now I only need to make one out of three, the bar is lower. So close… Two more shots. One more shot left. I tend to make it in these situations. One more try? No extra shot? Even though I got a free shot. One more free shot. No more. So frustrating. Didn’t make it. I was confident though. *Found a mahjong game with a lady dealer Found a mahjong game with a lady dealer You don’t need to have a specific hand to win Oh no, I’m down to my last 1000 TWD. The tiles are big and easy to see. Wait a second… I’m too slow. I’ve never been to a mahjong parlor, I always play at home. I’m serious since there’s a plushie on the line Oh, not bad, right? So fast! The lady dealer wins by self-draw Look, isn’t this amazing? Looks like I can make something good. Wait, did I win? Help, help, help! I’m panicking. Looks like I can make something great but I don’t know. Do I need this tile? Ron, Ron, Ron! I won, I did it! Yes! I did it, I won! Since I won, I got a prize Ended up playing at another store without realizing Alright, let’s do this. Can I do it? Oh, so close. Keep going, keep going. I can’t do it… What should I do? This is tough. Keep going. I can’t do it. I have to make all the remaining shots. One more try. One more try. Keep going. I can’t do it. One more try. I’m so bad that I got personal coaching… Finally broke it. Can’t afford to miss even one more shot I’m done for. My life is over. This is too hard. I can’t do it… I’m not playing anymore. One last try! No! No, no, no! I don’t want to play anymore. This game is boring. This game is no fun. Oh no, I had so much fun that I spent too much. I bought this and clothes too. I ate food and now I have only 740 TWD left. I forgot about the hotel, oh no… I have about 3000 yen left in Japanese currency. I’ll try to find a hotel within my budget of 3000 yen. I messed up. This is a trap, right? I had too much fun, this is bad. Let’s find a hotel. Agoda shows one for 654 TWD. This should work. I hope this hotel is okay. No time to be picky, booking it quickly Got the booking. Heading to the hotel now. It’s about a 15-minute taxi ride to the hotel. I’ll call an Uber. People in Taiwan use Uber for taxis. In Vietnam, it was Grab, but here it’s Uber. Got an Uber. I’m exhausted. I’ve been at the night market for quite a while, maybe 2-3 hours? I enjoyed it so much, so I’ll rest in the taxi. Next, heading to the hotel I just booked. Got off the Uber and arrived at Ximending. This place is like the Shibuya or Harajuku of Japan. It’s not that crowded since it’s a weekday, but I heard it’s packed on weekends. The hotel I booked is in that direction, so I’m heading there now. Wow, they’re selling sparkly things by the roadside. Look, flowers, roses, amazing. I’m a bit scared to go too close because they might try to sell me something, so I’ll keep my distance. The street looks like a rainbow. It really feels like Harajuku. There are lots of people taking pictures, and many tourists too. Everywhere in Taiwan is so lively and crowded, it’s like a festival every day. Well, it’s only my first day here. There’s a pharmacy near the hotel, that’s great. I can buy anything I need from there. I’ve arrived. This is Tomorrow Hotel, where I’ll be staying tonight. Here’s the front desk. This is my room. It’s cheap, so it’s just a bed. But it’s a double bed, quite spacious and seems comfortable to sleep in. Here’s the bathroom. The bathroom has a mirror, a toilet, and a shower. You can’t flush toilet paper here, so there’s a trash can. I won’t show you the inside of the trash can… Don’t want to lose subscribers by showing it It’s not that spacious, but it’s a typical unit bath. Now that I’m in my room, I’ll take a break. I’m tired. Oh right, I bought some clothes earlier, including something that looks like pajamas, so I’ll change into them. I’ve changed. Oh, it’s a bit tight. I bought this elephant T-shirt. The fabric is stretchy, so it seems good for exercising. I still have two more outfits, so I’ll wear them tomorrow. I think I’ll go to sleep now. I’ll continue enjoying my time here tomorrow. Surviving Taiwan With Only $70 DAY2 Good morning! It’s the morning of my second day in Taiwan, and I’m hungry, so I’ll explore the area near the hotel. The hotel bed was really spacious, and the mattress was so firm, it eased my body aches. I’m feeling great today. Look, there’s a Family Mart. I think it’s pronounced "quánjiā". The number of bikes here is insane. Isn’t it crazy? So many bikes. Apparently, 1.8 people own a bike in Taiwan Today is another 10,000 yen challenge, so I’ll be using 2000 TWD as my budget. Technically, it’s 2010 TWD or something, but I’ll round it to 2000 TWD. I wonder how much fun I can have today. Yesterday was just the evening, but today I have the whole day. Let’s see how much I can do. I want to make it a fulfilling day. There’s a famous restaurant over there. I really love meat, and there’s a place rumored to have really delicious meat, so I want to check it out. What’s the name again? Expectations are high because there were so many reviews No matter which country I go to, I always look for good meat. I love countries with delicious meat. Look, there’s a really local area. Taiwan has these big main streets that are very lively, but just a bit off those streets, you find quieter places where families eat together. There are many such spots. Also, the garbage trucks play loud music and are very noticeable. What’s this, dumplings? I’m not sure. I can read simple characters, but not the difficult ones. There’s a line over there. Let’s go check it out. I’ve been ordering only things I can read, so my meals are a bit biased. Look, there’s a big line here. Isn’t that the place? Yes, Ximen Noodle, that’s the place I looked up. It’s popular, so there’s a line. I’ll try to be patient and wait. Ximen Noodle (Open all day and night) Finally, it’s my turn. They’ve been playing Japanese music all this time, especially songs by Yuuri. It’s not ideal for YouTube because of copyright, though. What should I choose? The menu is full of difficult kanji. Whenever I go to a restaurant here, they give me an order sheet. I do my best to read it. The popular dish is Lu Rou Fan. I heard it’s really good, so I’ll try it. By the way, you write with tally marks here. I used to write numbers like 1 or 2, but everyone uses tally marks, so I switched. Is this a drink? It looks like a drink written on the sign over there, so I’ll order one. This meat is also very popular, and I love meat, so I’ll order the large size. It’s a meat platter with lots of meat. Ordering these three should be plenty. Lemon Ai Yu came. I don’t know how to read it, but it says Lemon Ai Yu. It looks like bubble tea. Aby tappie (magic spell) It’s like jelly in lemon tea. You know those shake-to-drink things? It’s like that. Delicious. There are seats inside and outside, so you can sit wherever you like. The food is here! So much meat, it looks delicious. Is this pig feet? Yay! Alright, let’s have my first meal of the second day. I’m so happy to eat meat. Look, it’s so tender. Can you see how jiggly it is? It might fall apart if I hold it with chopsticks Delicious. The meat can be customized with more collagen or tendons, so you can choose what you like. You can have your meat just the way you like it. I’ll try the Lu Rou Fan. I added an egg. Let’s eat. So good. It’s really delicious. Wait, this is seriously amazing. Wait, this is seriously amazing. So delicious! So delicious!! Eating authentic Taiwanese food here tastes completely different. The seasoning is different. Maybe it’s the spices they use? It’s just different from Japan. I’m so happy to start my day with such delicious food. So good. The staff told me that the drink wasn’t included in my bill, but they said I could have it for free because I’m the cutest. Such a nice gesture. Yay! So kind. I’ll definitely come back. This place is about a five-minute walk from Ximen and really close to my hotel. And it has over 7,000 reviews. Locals seem to know it well. If you’re thinking of traveling to Taiwan, I highly recommend my itinerary. I’ll put the Google Maps link in the description. By the way, the price for this was about 200 TWD, which is around 800 yen. This was 65 TWD, about 300 yen. The juice was free this time, but it’s usually 35 TWD, around 120 yen. Isn’t that cheap? I only bought these two, so it’s 1,100 yen. I need to spend more. The 10,000 yen plan is hard to reach because things are so cheap. This alone feels a bit expensive at 800 yen, but I seriously recommend it; it’s worth every penny. It’s not an 800 yen dish. In Japan, it would cost 2,000-3,000 yen. I’m really full now. I’m really full now. It was quite a lot. But I haven’t had dessert yet, so I’ll go to a famous sweets shop. I’ve got my eye on a place that’s been around for a long time and has over 3,000 reviews. Places with a lot of reviews and local recommendations are usually delicious. You can’t go wrong with popular spots. I’m here. This is it. This is a famous ice cream shop. The price is 50 TWD, and you can choose your favorite flavor. It was so quiet inside that it was embarrassing. You get three flavors for 50 TWD, that’s cheap. This one is taro, strawberry, and peanut. I picked three flavors. Let’s eat. Delicious. It tastes like taro. I thought it was taro flavor, and it was. Sweet and sour, really tasty. It’s so hot, so this is perfect and makes me very happy. Isn’t the number of bikes amazing? So many. Bikes everywhere. Can I ride a bike here? Can I use my international license? It looks like fun. If it’s like a scooter, it seems pretty cheap and convenient. In Japan, you can ride a scooter with a regular license. Is it the same in Taiwan? Can I ride a scooter here? If anyone knows, please tell me in the comments. I found a purikura (photo booth) shop while walking yesterday. So I’m going to take some purikura photos in Taiwan. From what I saw, it looked amazing, with costumes and everything. The walls are all pink, and it’s super cute. After I finish this, I’ll go check it out. I’m here. This is the place. Korean-style purikura is really popular in Taiwan right now. I think this is a Korean-style place. Let’s check it out. Joy & Ray Isn’t it amazing? There are costumes, glasses, and all sorts of things. So funny. The well-used, tattered ones Wait a second. I’ll choose a more normal one. Picked an even weirder one The countdown for Taiwanese purikura is longer, about 15 seconds. This will do. Not very cute, though. It got thrown away. What do you think? Maybe I joked around too much. I don’t need this one, so… I’ll send it to the person who gives the best compliment in the comments. Look at this. Isn’t it amazing? There’s an iPhone UFO catcher. Should I try it? It’s 10 TWD per try, so about 50 yen. Half the price of those in Japan. I’ll give it 2 or 3 tries. It’d be amazing if I got it for 100 yen. It’d be great if I could get the one that got blown away earlier. So close. Maybe not that close. The world isn’t easy enough to get an iPhone for 0.3 dollars. It’s a bit of a waste of money, so I’ll give up. Let’s move on. I’m at the famous Taipei 101 in Taiwan. There’s an observation deck here. You can look at the scenery of Taiwan, and I’m really excited. But I don’t know the price yet. If it’s super expensive, I only have 10,000 yen today, so I might just look at it from the bottom. I’ll check the price first. I’m at the ticket counter. I didn’t know the price until now, but it seems the price is different for Taiwanese and tourists. For foreigners, it’s 600 TWD. So about 2,500 yen? It’s a bit more than I thought. I’ve already spent 2,000 yen, and if I spend 2,500 yen more, I’ll have spent about 5,000 yen. Including the hotel, I’ll only have 5,000 yen left. I’ll pass on the observation deck due to budget constraints… I ended up buying a ticket anyway. Wow, look at this view! So high… You can see all the way to the horizon. There are a lot of tall buildings, but this one is the tallest. So impressive. By the way, I wonder which direction my hotel is in. Look, there’s a cute arch. It’s a great photo spot. Screenshot time. The view from here shows mountains. So green. The roads look a bit different from Japan, don’t they? There’s a souvenir shop. There are animals everywhere, maybe the theme is animals. So cute. I helped a deer shed its antlers. There’s a strange mascot here. I heard this character was designed by Sanrio. Wow, this is so beautiful. The view is stunning. Isn’t that amazing? The spiral thing. This way it looks like I have four wings. I want to go to a baseball stadium today. I saw these super cute cheerleaders in Taiwan, and I’ve been curious. There’s a stadium called Tianmu Baseball Stadium, and I plan to go there today. I wonder if you can see it from here? But it’s quite far, like an hour from here. Maybe I can’t see that far. I wonder. The view is so great. I feel like I’m in a lovely space, not just on a tall building’s rooftop. It’s beautiful, cute, and very relaxing. After this, I’m going to the baseball stadium to watch my first baseball game. Wei Chuan Dragons Cheerleaders "Dragon Beauties" The crowd’s cheers and the support are so loud that my mic can’t pick up the sound properly. Today’s game is Rakuten Monkeys vs. Wei Chuan Dragons. I ended up cheering along. My dad loves baseball, so we often watched games together on TV. But seeing it live is totally different from watching it on screen. I learned the cute cheerleader dance. It’s so much fun! Dancing along is so enjoyable. I completely forgot I was filming and just enjoyed watching the game. Wow, they’re winning by a lot! I’ve always liked cheerleader Lin Xiang, who’s also popular in Japan, so I was thrilled to see her dance live. Someone from above handed me a towel. "Use this," they said. Taiwanese people are so kind. I got a bit tired from dancing too much, so let’s get some food. While getting food, I got some fan service too. Since it was the second half of the game, many items were sold out. 😭 I got some food. I chose a Pepsi and a chicken set. The one I wanted was sold out, but this set has three pieces of chicken. Time to eat. Let’s eat! Wow, cheering for baseball is so much fun. The taste of this chicken was so unforgettable it made editing difficult. It’s delicious. A bit spicy. The entrance fee here was 250 TWD, and this set was 240 TWD, so I spent 490 TWD on baseball. About 2,000 yen. Honestly, it was far from the stadium, so I was really debating whether to go, but I’m glad I came. It was so much fun. The taste of this chicken was so unforgettable it made editing difficult (Part 2). It’s delicious. So happy. That was my 10,000 yen challenge in Taiwan. How was it? The two days went by quickly, but for my first time in Taiwan, I feel like I got to do a lot. I did things I can’t do in Japan, and experiencing a baseball game was so much fun. And I managed to spend exactly $70 over the two days, which was very satisfying. I flew here with JAL, and the round trip cost about 50,000 yen. So including accommodation and flights, the whole trip was under 100,000 yen. It was really an amazing trip. I highly recommend Taiwan. I did a video in Vietnam before, and now this one in Taiwan, so next time I want to go somewhere outside of Asia. If you have any recommendations, please leave a comment. Thank you for watching until the end today. If you liked this video, please subscribe to my channel, leave a comment, and give it a thumbs up.

Surviving Taiwan with only $70.I heard that Taiwan is one of the cheapest countries in the world. I made a video about what you can do with a budget of $70 there.

Hey everyone, thanks for watching my video.😊
I’m gonna keep working hard to bring you fun videos, so stay tuned 💖

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