

Azabudai Hills on a weekend packed with families and couples Single office worker without boyfriend spends time in… Very popular hamburger shop (waited 30 minutes) Most popular cheese hamburger and Large serving of rice (they make a large serving for free!) Very popular restaurant with main branch in Ichigaya I didn’t have a chance to go there very often. First visit to the new Azabudai Hills branch After all, I like to have a meal with white rice. It makes me the most satisfied. The best thing is the golden juice that comes out from the meat! The taste of this golden juice and white rice combined… It is as good as the feeling I had at THAT time. I have eaten all even juice! 1,680 yen for a very satisfying taste and quantity. This restaurant also has a lot of customers with families and couples or friends There are a lot of seats and everyone is having a good time. There are table seats, counter seats, and box seats. Only one box seat in the restaurant is reserved for a single person. The sadness of the coincidence that I am guided Thanks to that, I was able to focus all my attention on the food. (;;) Thank you for the “Raimuraito” meal! This blue of the sky! It’s hot and sweaty like summer today! But it’s so nice and spacious around here. I would like to live here… I wonder if there are any rentals. I checked and there are rentals! I found a 2LDK apartment for about 1,300,000 yen per month! The security deposit was about 5,000,000 yen! I feel sorry to even breathe the air, so let’s go home quietly. It’s already June this year. How fast it goes by! I stopped by Mister Donut to try the hottest arrangement! Easy recipe for "Pont de Rings" just baked in a pan I wanted to try it with plain and brown sugar I made a mistake in choosing the frying pan, so… I’m going to switch to a bigger frying pan and bake It looks like it’s been in the buzz for a while, so I’m kind of late to catch it. Mister Donut is getting very hot these days, which had collaboration with GODIVA as well. When the sugar is burnt just right, it’s ready to eat. It’s hot when it’s baked, so be careful. Let it cool down enough before you eat it. Crispy & chewy, this is delicious! I’m in trouble with my belly…? Please wait a moment while I push the belly in… I’ve just experienced a box seat for one person… The world is full of men and women who want to meet someone. I was just wondering why I haven’t met anyone yet. Why don’t you just approach men who are looking to meet people on social networking sites? Such a genius inspiration fluttered down To a marriage-oriented influencer who laments that he can’t meet anyone on a matching app. ‘This is Aya’s room, would you like to meet me?’ I sent to him. I got a quick reply. I’ll be brief about the content. ‘I can’t meet you because I don’t think my followers would want me to. Aya is the opposite of me, Aya is bright and sparkling. Let’s see… I’ll put it more succinctly: I’m rejected←. Maybe he’s actually married? maybe he has a girlfriend? I don’t know what he really is (the truth) I thought it was great of him to refuse to see me when he could have tricked me into seeing him. I also thought it’s hard to be an influencer at the same time. That’s why I’d like to reply too. ‘Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to reply. I don’t have any shine-time at all (I had natto rice for dinner tonight, too) I am glad for your sincere reply in spite of my sudden contact. Let’s work hard for each other! Aya the next morning I have a lunch appointment with my favorite cutie today, but I don’t think I can eat anything because of the shock of being rejected. Sorry my friend. Lines are long! The popular “Shogun Burger”. The most popular “Double Cheese”! This BIG! Two meaty patties! Too good to eat! I ate all of them! And thanks for the handsome cutie’s treat!




2:49~ I Can’t Live Without U(feat. Gary Ales Brook) by Kolektivo
6:20~ Chimera by Shima



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