【引退移籍後フィギュア動向】浅田真央さん 宇野昌磨さんを占う‼

【引退移籍後フィギュア動向】浅田真央さん 宇野昌磨さんを占う‼

I have a request for Tato. It’s been a long time since I’ve been figure skating, but with Shoma Uno retiring and moving to a new agency, I would like to take a look at the competitive lives of professional skaters. The lectures given by professional skaters who have just finished their presentations are getting a lot of attention, but there are some parts that seem to be a bit of imitation, and I would like to know what will happen to the figure world in the future. Thank you for your request.Today , Mao Asada is going to open Mao Link in the fall, which is amazing.I’d like to focus on Asada-san, and Ushoma-san is Asada-san. I’m going to the agency, and since I’m affiliated with them, I have a feeling that they won’t be co-starring soon, but I’d like to keep that in mind as well.Asada Mr. Asada is already a really strong person, he has star fame and was born on a boarding Tuesday, and this year he has joined Mr. and Mrs. Yu Seimon in the 1st ward. Mr. Asada is now very likely to get married. Well, until the end of 2024, I guess they’re extremely busy, right? Until the end of 2020 , Mr. Uno. Uno will be 27 years old this year, so he’s still not working. Although he is 26 years old, the name of Lago Star Ichiku is correct.He is currently working in the position of Akariun Hanmonbyou.He will be joining the textile industry in April 2025 , so next year. From around the spring of 2017, things have been gradually developing.The relationship between Asada-san and Ushoma-san is a five-pair relationship, so it might get a little confusing. I’m not sure, but according to Mr. Asada’s horoscope, when I look at Mr. Asada, Shoma Uno is placed in Ta, so if I dig deeper into that, he has added the preface , so on the contrary, it is Uno. When I look at Mr. Shoma’s horoscope, I see that Mr. Asada is in the number 1 of 5, and he is also in Hiramon Ka. This Ka is not very good or good. No, that’s not good . So, the relationship between these five bodies is said to be that rotting garden. In the case of Tamako, Mao Asada takes care of Ushoma-san and Koma, and Kaname-san is incised. When you dig deeper into the horoscope, both of you have the element of addition, and there is a possibility that each other’s giving will backfire. The horoscope says yes, somehow, but Mr. Ushi’s fiancée also works at the same agency, so I think Mr. Asada will probably be able to make ends meet with a slightly more modest approach.Maybe it’s because of this kind of relationship. Ushoma-san and Asada-san Asada-san and Ushoma -san Now then, I would like to take a look at the world of figure pro skating in the future, focusing on Asada-san. I think it’s pretty stable. Let’s go to the end. Don’t worry, To of Cups came last . It’s full of love, and 10 of Cups and 10 of Ones are coming. It’s already quite established. This card says that the current situation is in a very good condition , but it makes me feel lonely as I move on to my next destination without being completely satisfied. It’s Eight of Cups, so when it comes to the feelings of the fans, I can only say that I’m really satisfied and it’s amazing, but I’m still somehow looking for the next thing, like the next development. It’s backed by a very solid competition , and I think the foundation itself is very solid.The King of Ones is here, but somehow I feel like this is Mr. U. Well, I feel like there’s a bit of a distance between us.In terms of the future of the figure skating industry, we’re slowly moving towards the next stage.Even now, it’s already great, or rather, we’ve achieved it. I feel like it’s going to progress even further.It feels a little bit plain.It feels like it’s on edge.So now that Uno is gone, I wonder how figure skating will fare in that sport. I feel like it would be good for the Russian star to come back, but I think it’s still difficult because of the steroid problem and the gloomy problem of progress. I think it’s going to get more exciting once the momentum returns.I don’t know if I should call it this or that, but when I say "baby" or "heel," I think it’s a heel-like aspect.I don’t think it would be good to judge people like cold Russian people, but somehow they have this kind of heel-like nuance. I feel like the absence of the Russian team is going to make things a little more exciting, or conversely, I think the return of the Russian game will change things quite a bit, so in that sense. It makes me feel nervous to see Mr. Hajiroru, who transferred to that professional school, constantly providing topics with a level of reality and realism that is even higher than when he was a professional athlete during his competitive life. In other words, I’m not just saying that it’s a stable award while maintaining a sense of tension, but that I’m always conscious of this kind of tension. I feel like the fact that they keep putting in things like this is really amazing, but it’s so topical that it feels like they’re trying to keep up with it, but that’s why it’s such a figure. I feel like we need some kind of stimulation, like some kind of reality, for figures to become so popular. Well, now, like, comment, subscribe to the channel, thank you for always being very encouraging. Thank you for watching this time as well. Rekitarotre Well then, bye bye again

浅田真央さん『MAO RINK(マオリンク)』設立、宇野昌磨さんの移籍 今後のフィギュアスケート界の動向と運勢を占います。

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⌚ 1:48 宿曜命理
⌚ 5:37 リーディング開始


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