BE:FIRST / RYOKI & SOTAとしっぽり飲み2 [BTO #12 “Dig deeper into RYOKI & SOTA”]

BE:FIRST / RYOKI & SOTAとしっぽり飲み2 [BTO #12 “Dig deeper into RYOKI & SOTA”]

(RYOKI) It’s been 45 minutes (SOTA) What a great show! (RYOKI) Are you slacking off? (SOTA) I haven’t done a thing (lol) (RYOKI) The monster of Tokyo Dome? Nah, there’s no such thing Ugh, there was… (RYOKI) RYOKI (SOTA) SOTA (RYOKI, SOTA) And our Cozy Happy Hour (SOTA) It might look like we’re having a cozy drink session but let’s say this is a special episode (RYOKI) Yo, man!! (SOTA) You see that? (RYOKI) Today, we’re going to be a bit flexible and do things differently (RYOKI) RYOTA’s… Who the heck is RYOTA!? (SOTA) You know, he hasn’t drunk that much yet but he’s already forgotten his own name (RYOKI) Speaking of which, I did drink quite a bit (SOTA) Oh, you did? (RYOKI) So earlier today I was filming for MANATO’s Kitchen (SOTA) Oh, that crazy show? (RYOKI) Hey, hey Obviously, it’s not so cool to tease MANATO when he’s not here But no worries I already told him straight up “Dude, your show is ridiculous” (lol) (SOTA) You did? Nice one (RYOKI) Trust me (SOTA) I was thinking MANATO might check this too (RYOKI) He’ll probably think it’s just some silly drinking show (lol) (SOTA) But MANATO’s kitchen is actually pretty funny It seems to be getting great reviews too (RYOKI) It’s apparently on par with SOTA and RYOKI’s Cozy Happy Hour [A new rival emerges] (SOTA) Seriously? (RYOKI) So I got a little fired up, and was like "Are you underestimating me?" “Now that I’m here as a guest today," "It’s gonna be RYOKI’s Kitchen, not MANATO’s Kitchen” (SOTA) I see (RYOKI) I went in and brought the house down And after all that, I’m paying a big price I’m pretty drunk now (lol) (SOTA) Fried local chicken Nice! I’m curious about this one too "Shrimp shabu-shabu" Tough call, huh? (SOTA) It’s a tough one Can I ask what’s popular on the menu? (RYOKI) I can totally feel the difference between us now (SOTA) Can I have this sake from Iwate? Akabu (sake) That’s all for now Sorry for the wait, everyone! (RYOKI) You know what? I haven’t even checked the menu (lol) Did you get fried chicken? (SOTA) Yep (RYOKI) Rice dishes? (SOTA)Got those too (RYOKI) Seafood or sashimi? (SOTA) Got those too (RYOKI) Man, you’re the best… (SOTA) Yesterday, I watched soccer, came home, crashed in bed, woke up, and now I’m here (RYOKI) He looks like someone who just woke up (SOTA) Morning (RYOKI) This is no time to be all cozy (SOTA) I gotta catch up with RYOKI (RYOKI) Ready? (RYOKI) RYOKI (SOTA) SOTA (RYOKI, SOTA) And our Cozy Happy Hour (RYOKI) Special episode (SOTA) Cheers! (RYOKI) Cheers! (SOTA) I’m really looking forward to this! It’s been quite a while (RYOKI) It’s been a while for me too (?) (RYOKI) It’s been 45 minutes 45 minutes since my last beer (SOTA) Aah! (RYOKI) How’s it? Bro, when was the last time you had beer? (SOTA) I wonder? Maybe like five days? (RYOKI) Five days? (SOTA) Appetizer? (RYOKI) Hey, this looks good (SOTA) Appetizer (SOTA) Looks tasty! What a great show! (RYOKI) Let’s dig in Mmm, very mild! (SOTA) Feels like I’ve been stuck at home forever and I’m finally out with my friends for a drink (RYOKI) You’re pretty excited, aren’t you? (SOTA) Exactly Feels good (RYOKI) But he still has that "I just woke-up look", doesn’t he? (lol) (SOTA) It’s already around seven o’clock, right? (RYOKI) I’ve been drinking since one (lol) (SOTA) I woke up at three today 3 pm, isn’t that crazy? (RYOKI) Actually, I might be pretty messed up today Honestly, it’s been a while since I drank this much and I feel kinda jittery (lol) (SOTA) Today’s basically a day off, right? (RYOKI) Yeah, pretty much But we still had to get up early and go to work That fact remains true So I pumped myself up but all I’m doing at work is just drinking (lol) (SOTA) If you ask me, I feel more cozy than last time I’m all cozy right now (RYOKI) Yeah, I know You look like you’re gonna melt (SOTA)What does cozy even mean? Like this? Is this cozy? (RYOKI) Aren’t you just sleepy? How are you feeling right now? (SOTA) Now? (RYOKI) Man, you’re going fast (lol) You’re chugging it down cause it’s your first drink (SOTA) They’re recommending a citrus sudachi sour So could I get that one please? It must be really good, huh? (RYOKI) I’ll have the same one I’ve only had a 30-minute food break (SOTA) For drinks too (RYOKI) Exactly (SOTA) By the way, I haven’t eaten anything for 24 hours (RYOKI) That’s why your face looks refreshed (SOTA) But you said I look like I just woke up (RYOKI) You’ve got that glassy look (lol) (SOTA) Puffy but refreshed? (RYOKI) You’re not puffy, but you’ve got that glazed look (SOTA) I just woke up (RYOKI) Feels weird talking to you right now, like you’re not there But that’s cool I guess this is what cozy happy hour is like Your vibe is balancing things out (SOTA) So, this is "cozy". Things went crazy last time around Even when we hang out privately, we’re like this… Nah, I guess we drink differently in private (RYOKI) When you drink with me, aren’t you usually all hyped up? (SOTA) I usually end up keeping pace with RYOKI He hardly ever tries to match my drinking vibe (RYOKI) When you drink with others, don’t you go at your own pace? (SOTA) Right (RYOKI) But somehow he tries to vibe with me when we drink together (SOTA) Cause it’s fun (RYOKI) Hey that’s sweet (SOTA) It’s fun drinking with you (RYOKI) Thanks, bro [Have you been drinking together recently?] (SOTA) Yeah, we have (RYOKI) SHUNTO was there too (SOTA) We used to gather at RYOKI’s place but not recently (RYOKI) Come over again (SOTA) Come to my tropical house (RYOKI) What’s that? (SOTA)The name of my place (RYOKI) I think I’m gonna super hate it (SOTA) It’s not like your typical Tokyo-style house (RYOKI) It’s got that Shonan beach vibe I haven’t had a chance to go over yet (SOTA) C’mon! Let’s drink! (RYOKI) You know what? My place is totally open too (SOTA) I’ll come anytime (RYOKI) Like today, after this? (SOTA) Sure [Afterparty at RYOKI’s place] (RYOKI) It’s decided then [Afterparty at RYOKI’s place] (SOTA) Yay! Long time no eat, this tastes delicious! (RYOKI) What was this again? Shikuwasa (Okinawan lemon)? (SOTA) It’s citrus sudachi (RYOKI) Sudachi? (SOTA) Were you even listening? You were so excited! (RYOKI) I’ve eaten way too much today (SOTA) Yo!! (RYOKI) You’re hyped (SOTA) 24 hours! (RYOKI) C’mon! (SOTA) Yumm (RYOKI) Yo!! 30 mins! You haven’t been drinking with me lately (SOTA) Didn’t we talk about going out for a drink a few seconds ago? (RYOKI) SOTA never hits me up Whenever I feel like drinking after work in the evening You see, I work solo quite often I kind of hope SOTA will hit me up for a drink after work But he never does (SOTA) Wait, is that even possible? [Timing calls perfectly] (SOTA) Is that even possible? (SOTA) Whoa, huge! (RYOKI) Oysters (SOTA) They’re huge! (SOTA) They’re RYOKI size (RYOKI) Thanks for the compliment! Wait, was that a compliment? (SOTA) Mine is about this big (RYOKI) See! There you go again, comparing us (SOTA) RYOKI’s is about this big (RYOKI) Hey, hey In terms of size, it’s totally this one But if it’s about taste, it’s this one In terms of charm, it’s this one (SOTA) Come on! (RYOKI) Yeah, what? (SOTA) It’s about quality, right? (RYOKI) Look who’s talking! You started this! You’re one to talk (SOTA) Here, I’ll help you (RYOKI) How? What do you mean by "I’ll help you"? Sorry I really don’t get it But thanks a bunch You said it in such a cute way So you’re just squeezing lemon on them, huh? (RYOKI) Am I the sober one here? (SOTA) BESTY, have you ever felt tired from oversleeping? (RYOKI) How long did you sleep? (SOTA) Today, for instance, I’ve only gotten about ten hours of sleep (RYOKI) "Only" ten hours? (SOTA) But the day before that, I slept eleven hours So in three days… in those three nights and two days… Three nights and two days… (RYOKI) Three nights and two days? (SOTA) No, no… Um… I meant two nights, three days (lol) (RYOKI) Sorry, I couldn’t find any words that describe you better Simply put, you’re being dumb (lol) (SOTA) So, over the span of three days I slept just two nights, but it felt quite long (RYOKI) You’ve slept almost a whole day in the past few days You mean almost 24 hours, right? (SOTA) Right (SOTA) Yeah, exactly! It’s just two nights and three days but it feels like… two nights, two days Do you feel me? (RYOKI) So it’s like having no memory of a whole day? (SOTA) When I add it up, it’s like sleeping all day (RYOKI) Like having a day with no memory? (SOTA) Yeah (RYOKI) Cause you’re asleep? (SOTA) Cheers (RYOKI) Seriously, I’m done with you (RYOKI) How is it? Is it good? Isn’t it big? (SOTA) See, I told you! (RYOKI) It’s as big as me, right? (lol) (SOTA) Eat up, and your quality will improve (RYOKI) Improve? (SOTA) You’ll see yourself become as delectable as these oysters (SOTA) You’re not a big fan of oysters, huh? You’re not really into raw oysters, are you? Tell me [Not a big fan of raw oysters] (SOTA) How did you get so hyped when they came? (RYOKI) You never know until you try, right? (SOTA) I see (RYOKI) You gotta give it a try But I really enjoyed having one a while back So I was hoping to get a taste of that again (SOTA) Alright, alright Can I make an objection? (RYOKI) Objection? Go ahead (SOTA) You could say the same with mandarins too… While some people like sweet ones I prefer ones that are a bit sour (RYOKI) So, it’s a matter of preference? (SOTA) Some people think the sweeter the mandarin, the better (RYOKI) Yeah? (SOTA) But I prefer sour ones (RYOKI) So you’re saying that sourness is what makes mandarins so tasty? (SOTA) Yeah, the same goes with pears I prefer them less sweet But some people say the sweetness is good (RYOKI) Yeah (SOTA) They’re wrong (RYOKI) Wrong? (SOTA) Both have their merits It’s the same with oysters Milky and completely odorless oysters are tasty but ones with a unique aroma are also good (RYOKI) So that‘s what YOU like, huh? That’s YOUR opinion Right now, I’m speaking subjectively too This is purely MY opinion My personal preference when it comes to oysters I understand how you feel and I don’t deny that People definitely have preferences for oysters Real oyster lovers will appreciate both types of oysters But like I said, I only like the milky ones If they have a slight odor, I’m not interested That’s all I’m saying, really (SOTA) You know, I also prefer fried oysters (RYOKI) You prefer fried oysters…? (SOTA) Yeah (RYOKI) Bring fried oysters, please! (lol) (SOTA) Fried oysters are tastier than raw oysters, right? I totally get it (RYOKI) What? Are you on my side? (SOTA) I feel you (RYOKI) You’re on my side! (SOTA) I totally understand you (RYOKI) Now we can’t argue anymore Now that he’s flipped sides, we can’t do a debate Honestly speaking, how were they? (SOTA) Delicious (RYOKI) Yeah? You must have a broader strike zone for oysters than me (SOTA) Well, it’s not just the oysters I can appreciate uniqueness (RYOKI) With oysters? (SOTA) Not just oysters, everything (RYOKI) Everything? (SOTA) Alright, I’ll explain Same goes with beer Nah, not beer… (RYOKI) Why are you so soft today? (lol) What’s going on? Why are you so gentle to me? "Alright I’ll explain”? (SOTA) Shall I go rough? (RYOKI)No, no It’s fine either way (SOTA) Okay, let me explain I like all of RYOKI’s hairstyles equally (RYOKI) Hey, thanks (SOTA) That’s what I mean Even BESTY who stan RYOKI have their favorite visuals of RYOKI But I like every single hairstyle he has It’s the same with oysters Whether they’re smelly or milky, I like each of their qualities equally (RYOKI) Another raw oyster, please! I’ll eat anything for this guy! I want to share the same sentiment as him (SOTA) Did you get that? (RYOKI) Yeah, you made me happy too (SOTA) Great I’m glad I said it Really glad (RYOKI) I felt super stoked I like you I like everything about you too (SOTA) I know he’s lying (RYOKI) Huh? Lying? (SOTA) When was it again? When I dyed my hair black? I was blonde before that It’s when we were doing "Smile Again" No, no During “Scream” He kept on saying, “You’re better blonde” for almost a whole year (RYOKI) For a whole year? (SOTA) Yup (RYOKI) That’s not the phrase I used I was just saying “You’ve gone black…“ (SOTA) They’re basically the same! Actually, I hate that even more! You’re rejecting that present moment! (lol) (RYOKI) Whoa, look at this! (RYOKI, SOTA) Yaaay! (SOTA) See that? Let’s dig in I’ll go first This is awesome! Pretty good, huh? (RYOKI) Yeah, this is the bomb (SOTA) Told you (SOTA) So good (RYOKI) The thing is, though… I’m about to burst… (SOTA) You mean your stomach? (RYOKI) He looks great now, doesn’t he? He’s really on point now (SOTA) Huh? What are you talking about? (RYOKI) Your silhouette (SOTA) You mean the visuals? When you say "visuals," it feels a bit off It’s about the "silhouette" (SOTA) "Silhouette"? Isn’t that something else? That sounds off to me (RYOKI) Yeah? (RYOKI) I mean, like the way your figure… and the way those bangs drape down over your face and the silly way your bangs wave around I’m talking about that perfect balance You know, that Shonan beach vibe or the LA vibe or the Mexican vibe (SOTA) You’re going way off tangent (lol) [RYOKI’s job] (SOTA) RYOKI is the busiest among us Well, he loves work, so it doesn’t matter really (RYOKI) There he goes again! (SOTA) Are you busy lately? (RYOKI) Honestly, I’ve been super busy Even today, I’ve been working and drinking since morning Well, I could count this as a day off but usually, I get very few days off (SOTA) But you love your job, right? (RYOKI) Right (SOTA) You enjoy acting, right? (RYOKI) Right (SOTA) Then just do your best (RYOKI) Right (SOTA) That’s our usual vibe (lol) (RYOKI) I’m really giving it my all (SOTA) You might stop liking it if it becomes too tough But you haven’t given up on it either You keep expressing yourself through what you love despite this hectic schedule You balancing what you truly love makes you really cool (RYOKI) He’s quite cunning, isn’t he? His tactic of dissing and then praising Just like a psychological game I like you What more can I say? Especially when you say things like that [SOTA’s job] (RYOKI) This guy is essential to BE:FIRST He’s skilled at making music sound gorgeous when it’s visualized His choreography is connected closely with the music And it captures the essence of BE:FIRST…the edginess, for example It includes all those qualities to a unique piece of work as a package I think that’s what choreography is all about SOTA takes on that role for us His presence has definitely made BE:FIRST grow bigger We seriously have to thank SKY-HI for choosing him We seriously have to be thankful he was even born Plus, thank his mom for pushing him hard with dance What I’m trying to say is… He hasn’t done much himself (SOTA) Huh!? Huh!? I was feeling pretty good You had me feeling great I was on cloud nine (RYOKI) I know Actually, I was feeling nice and honest too (SOTA) "He hasn’t done much himself," huh!? I’d understand if you’d said "try a little harder" or "be thankful to others and do your best" I could live with that But "He hasn’t done much himself"!? (RYOKI) That’s totally arrogant (SOTA) Arrogant? (RYOKI) You make the choreography (SOTA) Go on (RYOKI) That’s how you contribute to BE:FIRST What I mean is… When I work as an actor, increasing recognition And when I get acknowledged for my work, and come back (SOTA) Then people recognize us as "the group with that guy" (RYOKI) It boosts our overall branding, right? Given the variety and diversity of today’s artists Ensuring quality while having that variety is important When you see SOTA in that sense He elevates the position of BE:FIRST and raises the level of choreography Being a member himself, it gives him the best understanding of other members When we ask someone else to create a choreography for us they come back with different variations and all sorts of styles I mean, that’s fantastic But having a choreographer as our member from the beginning It’s almost like a cheat-code, in a sense (SOTA) Cheat-code? (RYOKI) Yeah, there’s an advantage for us We have other members who love dancing and are really skilled but SOTA gives us a sense of security (SOTA) A sense of security (RYOKI) He’s reliable (RYOKI) That’s what you are How did such a man come into existence? He was born in Shonan with a mother who’s a dancer and dance teacher He then met a mentor called HANA There were times when he felt like quitting dance and times when he wanted to run away Despite his doubts he continuously fired himself up to this day It’s the fateful encounters with others and the fortunate environments that have shaped him into who he is now That’s why this guy, seriously… hasn’t really done anything, haha (SOTA) That was hilarious, so I’ll let it slide! (lol) I haven’t done a thing (lol) [An episode from a Tokyo Dome live performance] (RYOKI) I just realized something… I’m wearing MANATO’s apron (lol) (SOTA) Can I share this story for the first time? There’s this one point in the show I really like I always want to nail it It’s when we switch to band music We stand on a LED platform singing "BF is…" There’s me, RYOKI, JUNON and MANATO standing in order from the edge Whoever is ready gets into position ahead of the others As long as we’re there before the LED goes up, we’re all good But I always wait for RYOKI to go before me [Always waits for RYOKI] (RYOKI) Gasp… (SOTA) Every single time (RYOKI) So true! (SOTA) Even when I’m ready before him I want to high-five RYOKI so I waited on purpose (RYOKI) Usually, I’m always ready before him I always go up first and he passes by me to get to his own spot so we naturally do a high-five every time he walks by It’s very natural, right? (SOTA) Once, we missed it (RYOKI) I was late once I was in the restroom Actually, I noticed that He stubbornly refused to go before me! He went up halfway, right up to his spot Then he stopped, looked back and goes… So I was like, "Okay" and went ahead I was like, why’d he let me go first? So when I reached my spot SOTA finally headed to his and went "Hmph!" That’s when it hit me, he wanted to do this! (lol) (SOTA) He was quicker every time because he has no hair, nothing to fix for himself He’s got nothing to fuss over Poor thing He’s got nothing to fix Well, that’s just him Got nothing to fix So he was naturally faster than me It was natural for us to do a high-five But there was this one time when I arrived before him That’s when I realized we’d been doing a high-five every time! (RYOKI) It was already a routine (SOTA) I realized that I was going to skip that routine today (RYOKI) You started getting antsy, right? (SOTA) Right, I got all antsy and we’ve been doing it every time since then (RYOKI) "He’s got nothing to fuss over…" What’s that all about? (SOTA) Couldn’t let it slide? (RYOKI) Nope JUNON’s position is next to mine So sometimes I find him pulling off the Ina Bauer move (SOTA) He said you look like someone out of the Matrix (lol) (RYOKI) I had sunglasses and stuff, remember? Looking like this and wearing a long coat Dressed in black, and bold And when he looked at me, he started cracking up while doing his Ina Bauer His Ina Bauer bends back almost like a real Ina Bauer And I was like, damn, his body’s so soft and flexible (lol) (SOTA) Yum! (RYOKI) Yum!? "Yumm," my ass! Listen to this story about JUNON! I bet JUNON’s hurting right now! Well, whatever, let’s eat (SOTA) God! This is so soft and tender! (RYOKI) The story about JUNON being soft and this being soft are… (SOTA) Connected? Seriously? (RYOKI) They were totally connected (SOTA) Am I a genius? (RYOKI) Stop bringing it back when you haven’t even been listening (SOTA) Yaaay Cheers (RYOKI) I’m having a blast [BE: FIRST now] (RYOKI) How do I put this? We’ve been constantly pushing forward We’ve been running with passion up till now The stages we’ve been performing on have grown and evolved I think BE:FIRST’s momentum is really leaving a mark In that sense, we’re gaining more experience and scaling up But we’re also doing regular live performances even in places where the audiences are unfamiliar with us It definitely made us stronger as a group We’ve been influencing each other in a good way After years of performing together in live gigs we’ve seen each other grow and it feels like our freedom has really opened up It feels like we can just let loose and be ourselves now That’s what it’s like, right? (SOTA) You’re absolutely right (RYOKI) Aww, your voice is so soft! Aww! (SOTA) Man, I like that "Aww" (lol) (RYOKI) Dang it! Don’t go praising my "Aww" (lol) We’ve been pushing through But it’s rare that we were able to push through this far Most of the time, things don’t pan out even when you’re pumped We’re so fortunate right now but we’re always pushing ourselves to step up and working to absorb everything and make things our own That’s why I think we are where we are today How’s that? (SOTA) He’s right (RYOKI) Aww! Are you slacking off? (SOTA) I like that "Aww!" I wanna master it too (lol) "Aww" (RYOKI) That’s not good enough, it’s "Aww" A mixed tone, got it? (SOTA) "Aww!" (RYOKI) "Aww! Are you slacking off?" (SOTA) "Aww! Are you slacking off?" [Unexpected incidents at the Tokyo Dome Concert] (SOTA) Did you notice any ways to improve or was there anything unexpected on the first day? (RYOKI) Nope! Actually, I did! Déjà vu! (SOTA) He dropped his in-ear monitors (RYOKI) It reminds me of the mishap during our first solo concert in Tachikawa During that first one-man show in Tachikawa my contact lens fell out but it luckily fell into my left hand My hand was like this and it fell right into it I couldn’t see in the dark but it fell right into my hand So I sprinted to the restroom, put it back in and just made it back in time for the opening (SOTA) You really freaked me out back then (RYOKI) We were saving "Gifted." for Tokyo Dome (SOTA) It was our first time opening with "Gifted." since Tachikawa (RYOKI) That incident in Tachikawa really stuck with me since that day So bringing back that vibe at Tokyo Dome added so much emotion and meaning I mean, I was totally ready and my performance was on point I was pumped and like "Let’s do this!" The Tokyo Dome monster? Nah, there’s no such thing Ugh, actually there was… (SOTA) Actors are so good with gags (lol) (RYOKI) Cut it out with that! Seriously, knock it off (SOTA) He’s so funny (RYOKI) Cut it out (SOTA) He can make great expressions and nail the timing Plus, he’s good at word choices (RYOKI) Are you talking about just now? (SOTA) Yup (RYOKI) I really wish you’d stop I want to share the story but if you start praising my acting I’ll totally lose my train of thought (lol) (SOTA) He’s got good jokes He’s great with expressions, choosing words, and nailing the timing… (RYOKI) Yeah, timing is crucial It’s all about captivating people with your talk (SOTA) You gotta consider your co-stars and choose your words It really takes some effort, you know? (RYOKI) No, seriously, stop it It’s embarrassing It’s embarrassing and… I’d prefer you don’t talk while cooking hot pot (lol) Am I being filmed through the hot pot? It feels like I’m really being watched through the hot pot (SOTA) I think those skills also shine beyond the main job (RYOKI) What’s it look like? Is it steamy? (lol) Am I being boiled in hot water? (lol) I’m being boiled here, thanks to you! (lol) (SOTA) Just because I dance doesn’t mean that I’ve only honed my dance skills… (RYOKI) Like feeling the vibe and all that? (SOTA) Actors are like that too, right? It’s not just acting, but you pick up things like conversation skills and how to make people laugh depending on the relationship (RYOKI) You’ve got a point (SOTA) I really think our skills are getting polished through it (RYOKI) Um… (SOTA) Five more minutes (RYOKI) Um… (SOTA) I’m gonna hit the bathroom real quick (RYOKI) Can I talk more about the dome? (SOTA) Alright (RYOKI) "Alright?" He already knows what happened so he’s not interested anymore Right before the show started my in-ears fell out and I was like, "Seriously?" The part that goes into your ear fell off That’s when it hit me that the setup for "Gifted." was totally messed up (SOTA) Don’t blame it on "Gifted." "Gifted." always moves me emotionally (RYOKI) Yeah (SOTA) It’s an awesome start to the show (RYOKI) The amazing thing is everything always comes together in time for the opening (SOTA) Maybe "Gifted." is actually helping us out? (RYOKI) In a way, yeah (SOTA) Protecting us from the monster of Tokyo Dome (RYOKI) It’s actually giving us trials and then rescuing us right on the spot It gives us that perfect amount of tension (SOTA) If there were monsters in the venue we’d cover them with the music If "Gifted." hadn’t been our first song, we might not have made it in time [After the Dome performance] (SOTA) Now that the Dome show is over I wonder how BESTY are feeling about our future I wonder how our fans who were just hoping for our Dome concert are feeling now that we’ve actually made it to the Dome (RYOKI) We’ve made it clear through everything we’ve been doing and saying that we’re not stopping at the Dome We definitely don’t want them to completely burn themselves out That applies to "Masterplan" as well The Dome live itself is the same (SOTA) Including the setlist (RYOKI) Including the setlist and setup It’s also about staking it all on the music and challenging ourselves with performances I think people watching the show can now see our possible future So in that sense I don’t think any BESTY are completely burned out now (RYOKI) That was good for us too (SOTA) It was intentional (RYOKI) It was intentional, in a way Actually, we just live by those goals and purposes I think our show really captured our journey so far and gave an exciting glimpse into the future (SOTA) Absolutely It’d be awesome if they felt that way (RYOKI) I’m sure they are feeling that way (SOTA) Do you feel it? (RYOKI) Are you feeling it? (SOTA) “Can you feel it?” (RYOKI) “Can you feel it?” Really You know what? I’ve already decided (SOTA) "Can you feel it?" forever? (RYOKI) "Can you feel it?" forever! (SOTA) Seriously? (RYOKI) Yeah, seriously Forever Forever (SOTA) Isn’t that a bit over the top? (RYOKI) I got… carried away (lol) (SOTA) But you always nail "Can you feel it?" It’s an emotional song So it wouldn’t be as emotional without that part (RYOKI) You think so? (SOTA) Yeah But then again it also sounds cool and new (RYOKI) In a live performance context, right? (SOTA) Yeah, but we have so many songs on our setlist now "Shining One" is our pre-debut song and we want it to be emotional, right? So by nailing "Can you feel it?" it becomes really emotional (RYOKI) When we were at the Dome I thought, "Here’s where I gotta nail that phrase" It’s like the roots of "Shining One" I was hoping people would feel that way (SOTA) I felt it (RYOKI) You felt it? (SOTA) It was awesome (RYOKI) Thanks a bunch… For holding chopsticks in one hand, the other on your hip and speaking so effortlessly as if it’s no big deal (SOTA) The tofu is starting to look like RYOKI to me (SOTA) They’re cute (RYOKI) Sorry, but I had sukiyaki with tofu for lunch too (lol) [The setup for the Dome performance] (SOTA) Our ideas were pretty much adopted in the live setup Weren’t they? We pretty much made the setlist And it went through with little change (RYOKI) The setup too (SOTA) Like that scene where we pop out of the car "Spin!" is a song that expresses our big leap forward with the speed of sports cars So we pitched the idea of entering the stage on a car and it got approved (RYOKI) That was pretty cool But to be honest, it was kinda funny I start off singing in that song I come out like ‘Bam!’ The thing is, I’m holding the mic so I need another guy to drive (SOTA) A driver (RYOKI) I need someone, right? (SOTA) Especially when you’re starting off with the singing (RYOKI) Speaking of which, I’ve had my license for a while and I also think most of us in the group can drive (SOTA) True (RYOKI) MANATO (SOTA) It’s already a joke, isn’t it? (RYOKI) No doubt We hit the stage with a ‘Bam!’ and the first thing you see is MANATO gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands So what I thought was "You did it, man!" On the first day he managed to drive with a sense of tension On the second day he was swerving all over the place (SOTA) All over the place? (RYOKI) Yeah, he was driving in a zigzag Plus, he was even faster than the first day (lol) (SOTA) So it fit perfectly with your RAP, no? (RYOKI) It was spot on, but… (SOTA) You know at music festivals when we sometimes do ‘Spin!’? You were speeding even faster than those cars [Surpassing speedy cars] So, no worries You were raging even harder than those cars How are we supposed to sing when it’s that wild? But it’s cool The car speeds straight ahead But our rap won’t falter with that (RYOKI) Music festivals are so fun, right? Isn’t it awesome that we have ‘Spin!’ in our lineup? You know what’s cool about "Spin!"? "Softly" lets our four vocalists really shine while we three step down But with ‘Spin!’, all seven of us, even those not singing get to go wild together I think that’s what makes ‘Spin!’ so cool Even if we’re not vocalists, we can still get hyped up together That contrast between ‘Spin!’ and ‘Softly,’ I think is great Splitting into groups of three and four quite early on was pretty clever, wasn’t it? (SOTA) I’m glad we created it (RYOKI) The timing was spot on too With that, I feel we’ve leveled up a notch or two in attracting different audiences and also in staging We’ve leveled up our ability to attract audiences even at outdoor music festivals (RYOKI) Wait a sec! Sorry, my bad (SOTA) You want some? [Last dish, clay pot rice (sea urchin, salmon roe)] (RYOKI) Whoa! Thanks a bunch I know you’re starving but I’m not really hungry So sorry, I’m not really doing anything (SOTA) No worries I took a break today (RYOKI) True Then I’ll leave the rest to you (SOTA) Sure But I’ll smash you later (RYOKI) Omg, he’s gone mega-size (lol) You’re totally overdoing it [The future of Cozy Happy Hour] (RYOKI) I really don’t mind But I feel like this cozy drink session is special because it’s just you and me (RYOKI) We can only bring out this vibe when it’s just us two It only happens when we’re doing The Cozy Happy Hour with RYOKI & SOTA If we’re going to drink with seven… six of us… I think it’s better if we do it separately (SOTA) Yeah (RYOKI) Having our cozy drink time regularly is good as it is, right? (SOTA) We could invite one person for the 10th anniversary (RYOKI) That would put a lot of pressure on whoever’s coming We’ve got issues deciding who and why (lol) Maybe RYUHEI? In a way (SOTA) Nice choice (RYOKI) We could do it when he turns 20 He can join our show when he turns 20 (SOTA) Let’s keep this going until RYUHEI turns of age (RYOKI) I need to make a quick call Hello? Yes, this is RYOKI Yes I’m filming for the cozy drink session right now The staff just asked us "What’s the meaning of having RYOKI and SOTA’s cozy drink session?" So SOTA and I were saying the point of having a cozy drink session is all about the vibe Creating these kinds of cozy conversations and that’s what it’s all about So we can’t allow any outsiders right now (SOTA) It’s SHUNTO (RYOKI) But we’re almost done shooting So if you wanna join, just come (lol) Hold on, hold on (SHUNTO) I’m calling a cab right now Hang tight, I’ll be there soon! (SOTA) Just so you know, you can’t expense drinks! You gotta pay for yourself! (RYOKI) Talk to you later! (SHUNTO) Thanks Be right there! (RYOKI) See ya soon (SHUNTO) Thank you (RYOKI) Gotcha! So, you joining us? Wanna grab a drink? (SHUNTO) Huh? Yeah, I’m in! (RYOKI) Awesome You totally get it, man I’ll meet you soon (SHUNTO) Thank you (RYOKI) Alrighty (SHUNTO) Thank you I’ll be right there! (SOTA) We can only do this every six months, right? (RYOKI) Huh? Why’s that? (SOTA) Cause that’s how it is now (RYOKI) No way! (SOTA) Then say it! (RYOKI) No way! I wanna do more! (SOTA) Go on! (RYOKI) What’s your… What’s your understanding of our drinking sessions!? Do you even know… Huh, this one? Do you… (SOTA) Are you really an actor!? Geez, you’re so bad at this! You can’t even get the cameras right And your delivery is so flat (RYOKI) Awesome You’re awake now (lol) (SOTA) I’m awake now! (RYOKI) SOTA, you sure are awake (SOTA) I’ll be off once the camera stops rolling! (lol) (RYOKI) You’re such a slowpoke! It’s almost over! (SOTA) Well, yeah (RYOKI) Fantastic (SOTA) Looking back… Cheers We’ve leveled up since our last round (RYOKI) Yeah, big time (SOTA) It’s not just us, everyone in our group is leveling up too (RYOKI) As part of BE:FIRST (SOTA) I wonder what we’ll be seeing in six months? Back then, The Dome was even’t on our radar Nothing had come to fruition with the Dome… We filmed the last session during our early arena days Let’s remember that we talked about where to go after the Dome This drinking session shows we can do it Six months… feels a bit far away, right? How about three months from now? (RYOKI) Six months is way too long (SOTA) Yeah, the sooner the better (RYOKI) Two weeks? (SOTA) Next time we shoot I wanna look back at the things we’ve achieved I get really emotional thinking about reaching a higher level (RYOKI) So we gotta do this regularly Two weeks from now (SOTA) This drinking session shows how much BE:FIRST has grown (RYOKI) In two weeks (SOTA) In two weeks!? That’s like hanging out with your best friend! (RYOKI) Why not? It’s the best! (SOTA) Doesn’t get any better It’s fantastic, right? (RYOKI) This is fun It’s cool I like this I really like this show I’m not saying I like you, alright? (SOTA) This show revolves around me, so you’re pretty much saying you like me It’s just about whether the camera’s on or not (RYOKI) Hey, don’t let it go to your head (SOTA) Right back at you (lol) (RYOKI) What? Me? (SOTA) I’m really enjoying this Thank you so much (RYOKI) Got anything left to say? (SOTA) Anything left to say… I haven’t said this yet today RYOKI, you’re cute (RYOKI) Aahhh! (SOTA) Looks like the third round is confirmed! (RYOKI) Right away, please! As soon as possible (SOTA) In our next round we’ll start when this guy’s still sober Or maybe I’ll be the one who’s drunk (lol) (RYOKI) Might be Should we end with this? "Cozy Happy Hour with RYOKI & SOTA" (SOTA) Definitely. Let’s go with sake today (RYOKI) Ready? RYOKI (SOTA) SOTA (RYOKI, SOTA) And our Cozy Happy Hour (SOTA) Bye-bye Cheers, everyone! (RYOKI)Cheers Oops, spilled it! (SOTA) Yay

メンバー発信の企画を実現していく #ビザワン



今回のオフショットは [Official Fanclub “BESTY”] にて公開!
◆Official Fanclub “BESTY”

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企画&制作 : BE:FIRST YouTube制作チーム
監督 : 武藤義明
撮影 : 株式会社BEYOND 中嶋 久敏
   佐藤 圭佑
音声 : 株式会社BEYOND 鯨井 拓実

Official Website:https://befirst.tokyo/
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X (global) : https://twitter.com/BEFIRST_global
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/befirst__official/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BEFIRSTofficial
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YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@BEFIRST_official
LINE : https://page.line.me/befirst

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