the story of the first foreign samurai in Japan, the man from Africa, they called Yasuke. He traveled to Japan with the Portuguese missionaries and played an interesting role in the Sengoku Jidai period and in the life of the daimyo Oda Nobunaga. 500 yearsa fighterafrican originAfrican slavearrived in japanbannedcenturycoup d'EtatDaimyogeneralsgiantgreat fightersgreatest samuraijapanJapanesenew fascinationnon Japanese samuraiOdaOda NobunagaPortuguese missionariesritual of suicidesamurai in Japanseboukoutall black manthe daimyo Oda Nobunagathe first foreignthe giant of japanthe history booksthe life of the daimyothe man from Africathe Sengoku Jidai periodYasukeYasuke -ヤスケ-