There is a 'real danger' the 2021 Olympics could become a 'super spreader event'

New polling suggests the majority of people living in Japan are concerned about the safety of the Tokyo Olympics despite antivirus measures having been put in place and most do not want the Games to go ahead as planned.

The 2021 Olympic Games have been unpopular for some time but no athletes or countries have as yet withdrawn from the Games, according to Asia correspondent Adrian Brown.

“The Japanese government is really caught between a rock and a very hard place because if it goes ahead with these Olympics it’s damned, if it doesn’t go ahead with these Olympics it’s damned,” he told Sky News.

“It is something that is of enormous prestige value to Japan but epidemiologists not just in Australia but also in New Zealand are warning there is a real danger that the Olympics could become a super spreader event.”

Mr Brown said if the Olympics does go ahead and there is a mass outbreak, the 2021 Games “will be tarnished and tainted for years to come” but if they are axed, the costs are high.