メガロボクス 最高の瞬間 #2 | Megalobox Best Moments

メガロボクス 最高の瞬間 #2 | Megalobox Best Moments
「静かにして、言われたとおりに行動することは、臆病な選択です。」これらは、メガロボックスの地下戦闘機であるジャンクドッグの言葉です。これは、ギアと呼ばれる義肢を利用してユーザーのスピードとパワーを向上させるボクシングの進化形です。ボクサーとしての青年の溢れる可能性にもかかわらず、彼の参加の違法な性質は、彼の上司のガンサク南部によって指示されたように、彼が試合を投げることで生計を立てることを余儀なくされています。しかし、メガロボクスチャンピオンのユウリが別の挑戦者を装ってぼろぼろの指輪に入ると、これはすべて変わります。 1回のラウンドで連れ出されたジャンクドッグには、「もう一度私と戦うことを真剣に考えているなら、私と私の指輪に向かって戦ってください」という課題が残されています。

“To be quiet and do as you’re told, that’s the cowardly choice.” These are the words of Junk Dog, an underground fighter of Megalo Box, an evolution of boxing that utilizes mechanical limbs known as Gear to enhance the speed and power of its users. Despite the young man’s brimming potential as a boxer, the illegal nature of his participation forces him to make a living off of throwing matches as dictated by his boss Gansaku Nanbu. However, this all changes when the Megalo Box champion Yuuri enters his shabby ring under the guise of just another challenger. Taken out in a single round, Junk Dog is left with a challenge: “If you’re serious about fighting me again, then fight your way up to me and my ring.”

Filled with overwhelming excitement and backed by the criminal syndicate responsible for his thrown matches, Junk Dog enters Megalonia: a world-spanning tournament that will decide the strongest Megalo Boxer of them all. Having no name of his own, he takes on the moniker of “Joe” as he begins his climb from the very bottom of the ranked list of fighters. With only three months left to qualify, Joe must face off against opponents the likes of which he has never fought in order to meet the challenge of his rival.