hanaregumi Live from J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE

“J-WAVE LIVE” is the largest annual Music Event of J-WAVE.
It started from the year 2000 and so many popular Artists took part in.
Also it is the largest music event which a single Radio station holds, in Japan.
Due to COVID-19, “J-WAVE LIVE 2020 #Don’t Stop the Music”was held as a streaming event and also broadcasted on the Radio, this year.
8 Japanese artists took part in and performed from J-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGE and TOKYO GARDEN THEATER.
All the performance were live broadcasted on the radio, and the highlights are streamed on the internet.


J-WAVE LIVEとは東京のナンバー1ミュージックRADIOステーションJ-WAVEが主催するオムニバスのライブイベントで、2000年より毎年続いているイベントです。
2020年の今年は新型コロナウイルスの影響で、生放送と配信で「J-WAVE LIVE 2020 #音楽を止めるな」として開催。
8名の出演者が高輪ゲートウェイ駅で開催されていたイベント「Takanawa Gateway fest」内のJ-WAVE NIHONMONO LOUNGEと、有明にできたばかりの東京ガーデンシアターに分かれてアツいライブを披露してくれました。

====INTERVIEW SUMMARY -hanaregumi-====

We are litte bit difficult to listen or to play the music, out side of the house. So using our imagination to enjoy each other, and the radio is one of the best way, we only need our ears to listen. There is a daily life of everyone over the radio, and I’m so excited to think about it, that my music might be on air! So I recomend everyone to taking your radio everywhere you go, not only listing in your room.

I want play the show all over the world, like US or Europe, especially on the top of highest mountain, I wonder I could breathe or not. Also playing on the mother earth, like Africa, and playing in the local cities, an so on.
Basically all of my songs are written in Japanese, and I’m interested in how Japanese makes an echo in other countries. I don’t care if they are not understand the lylics. I want to know how they feel.