

This video introduces u to Ms. Rei Dan (her stage name); her real name is Mayumi Yamazaki. Today she is married to Mr. Mitsuhiro Oikawa, another famous actor in Japan, so her last name has changed to Oikawa.

Rei herself is a famous actress internationally, too. Having graduated from J’s well-known women’s school, “Ta.ka.ra.zu.ka,”
which is a Japanese all-female musical theatre troupe based in Takarazuka City in Hyōgo-prefecture. At this school, women learn how to play all roles in lavish, Broadway-style productions of Western-style musicals, and sometimes stories adapted from girls’ manga and Japanese folktales. The school is a part of the Hankyu Railway company, so all members of the troupe are paid by the company.

Many women who graduated from Takarazuka became internationally famous actresses, and Rei is not an exception.
Her beauty and talent… are well known at Hollywood, for instance.

Rei is originally from a small town in Hyogo-prefecture near Osaka. When she was an elementary school child, her teacher told her that she should become an actress for she has a talent for it. So, Rei took that advice to her heart and applied to Takarazuka… which is most competitive to get in.

In order to be accepted to Takarazuka, a teenage girl must be not only stunningly beautiful (no cheating = no plastic surgery here) but also truly talented… meaning that she can sing, dance, and act on top of good grades from high school. Rei was a good student academically and could sing, dance, and act, not mentioning her beauty inside and out. Best of luck to her and her husband in their acting careers…!!

Many thanks indeed for watching; please give a big thumbs up. My videos are sort of related to each other, so enjoy others as well. Cheers to u, the beautiful souls out there in the world… ; D