
「虹色の朝が来るまで」/ “Untill Rainbow Dawn”

出演:長井恵里 小林遥 菊川れん 玉田宙 太田辰郎
高木里華 ノゾム 竹村祐樹 佐藤有菜etc…


手話サークルで知り合ったろう者の高橋 華と星野 あゆみ。華は初めて同性に惹かれ戸惑うもあゆみと交際することになる。後日、華は実家へ帰り、両親にあゆみとの交際について話すと、いつも味方だった母親から思いがけず拒絶されてしまう。母親の拒絶に華はショックを受けるが、あゆみとの関係を断ち切ることがどうしてもできない。苦しんでいる華を見かねたあゆみは、東京で開かれるろうLGBTイベントを偶然見つけ、華を誘う。ふたりは、初めて会うろうLGBT の人たちと交流し、華は次第に心を開いていく…。

A girl, who is 21 years old, is Hana Takahashi (age: 21) and another girl, who is 23 years old, is Ayano Hoshino in a Sign Language society. They met the society and Hana fell in love in the first time with Ayumi in her life. They have started going out. Later, Hana returned back to her home and told her parents about the going out. She has been believing in her mother because her mother is always her ally. However, she didn’t expect that she was denied from her mother and she was shocked the rejection. But she wouldn’t cut off all ties with Ayumi. Seeing struggled Hana, Ayumi found occasionally a deaf LGBT event that will be held in Tokyo and suggested to go the event together. They spent time with people who were Deaf LGBT for the first time and Hana opened up her heart.







