
土屋太鳳と踊ろう!“ちちんぶいぶい ぶいダンス”の振り付け動画を公開


 女優の土屋太鳳さんが出演する、西武鉄道の新CM「ちちんぶいぶい2017年秋冬」編の放送が10月23日、スタートした。新CMは4月に公開された「春夏編」の続編で、ダンスは前回同様にパパイヤ鈴木さんが振り付けを担当。コミカルでキュートな“ちちんぶいぶい ぶいダンス”に新たにパントマイムの動きを取り入れるなどパワーアップしており、土屋さんは相変わらず抜群のリズム感でキレキレのダンスを披露している。


Let’s dance, Tsuchiya! Dance MV of Chichin BuibuiBui

A new CM “Chichinbuibui 2017 nen akifuyu” (Chichinbuibui 2017 Autumn Winter) of the railway Seibu acted by Actress Tao Tsuchiya aired on Oct 23rd.

This new CM is the sequent version of “Spring-Summer” CM which was released in April. The dance keeps the same and its choreography is managed by Papaya Suzuki.

The CM arranged the contents of a group of three close girlfriends in the same club with Tao Tsuchiya, who together visited Chichibu in the fall – where they traveled in the spring.

Visiting the Mitsumine Shrine, where is recommended to visit in the autumn and winter, watching the sea of clouds from the observation deck at Chichibu Muse Park, grabbing a large piece of Tonkatsu at Chibuse Restaurant to enjoy Chichibu.

Then, buying a souvenir at the complex of “Seibuchichibu matsurinoyu” Hot Spring and returning to the Center of Tokyo with the Red Arrow Limited Express (name of Seibu Railway Express).