
中谷美紀、友人の特注衣装に感涙 映画「繕い裁つ人」完成披露試写会3 #Miki Nakatani #movie




“Miki Nakatani, tears of gratitude movie “”mending Tatsu people”” to custom-made costume of friends complete showcase preview 3

Miki Nakatani actress December 11, 2011, Tokyo made the film starring in Tokyo “”mending Tatsu people”” (published January 31, 2015. Yukiko Mishima Director) appeared on the stage greeting of complete showcase preview of.

After the contents of the same work that the tailors on the stage, Nakatani, who appeared in “”special wearing one for today,”” gray and black that I had made with custom-made to friends, gratitude to friends It was also involuntarily tears of gratitude to the scene with emotion that and was tossed in the same work.”