パビリオン・トウキョウ 2021 PAVILION TOKYO 2021 | Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13

😀Find art treasures made by important Japanese architects and artists at Pavilion Tokyo.

◼️ PAVILION TOKYO 2021 | Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13

藤森照信 | 茶室「五庵」 ビクタースタジオ前
藤本壮介 | Cloud pavilion 代々木公園パノラマ広場
平田晃久 | Global Bowl 国際連合大学前
藤原徹平 | ストリートガーデンシアター 旧こどもの城前
草間彌生 | オブリタレーションルーム 渋谷区役所 第二美竹分庁舎
会田誠 | 東京城 明治神宮外苑いちょう並木入り口
石上純也 | 木陰雲 kudan house 庭園
妹島和世 | 水明 浜離宮恩賜庭園
真鍋大度 + Rhizomatiks ワタリウム美術館向かいの空き地

■Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL
The Tokyo Tokyo Festival boasts a variety of cultural programs in connection to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, while promoting the capital’s appeal as a city of arts and culture.

■Tokyo Tokyo FESTIVAL Special 13
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Arts Council Tokyo gathered creative and innovative ideas from the public which could be used for the cultural program of the TokyoTokyo Festival. Out of 2,436 domestic and international proposals, 13 projects were chosen.
Those 13 projects are collectively called ‘Tokyo Tokyo Festival Special 13’,
and will be held from fall 2019 towards 2020, in connection to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


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📹 Videographer : Splash Film

🎼 Music : https://artlist.io/jp/song/63852/are-you-ready-for-me-baby

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*This video was filmed adhering to the Covid-19
safety protocols.
*To prevent the spread of COVID-19, many events
have been canceled.
Always check official sites before heading to an event.

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