
【ダンスコピー】Say the word / 安室奈美恵 [*4]








Hello there!!
This is New Zealand information centre: Taku-channel.
Good to see you all!!

This video is the 3rd of “I copy choreography from one of my favourite songs, as there is not much to do throughout the lockdown, so let’s dance” series. However, I could not upload the video due to copyrights again, so I paste the URL for the video that I posted on my IGTV on Instagram, which I mentioned it in the video. So please check it out. And I am sorry that my dance is not so good as usual lol.


That would be really appreciated if you take your time to watch it!!

All of my video is subtittled with Japanese & English. We would kindly love you guys to check out our video. And, if you like, subscribe, or comment on it, it will be so appriciated and we’ll be so happy.

Big Thanks for Your Lovely Supports \(^o^)/

#ニュージーランド #オークランド #隔離生活