
独立宣言 吉田羊 年末の発表で、井上公造の突撃を回避【エンタメ】【ニュース】【みんなで読もうよ!】【20181231②】

関連動画#みんなで読もうよ #ニュース #エンタメ #吉田羊
I’ll read news by everyone! Japanese news and topic
Proclamation of independence
Yoshida sheep
Kouzou Inoue’s charge is evaded by a year-end announcement.
吉田羊、所属事務所との契約終了を報告 Y氏との乾杯2ショット写真添え「約12年間」に感謝








 最後は「12年間本当に楽しかったです。今までありがとうございました。どうかこれからは、羊が話をすることだけが真実なので、それを信じて、羊を守ってあげてください」とし「では、笑顔で『放牧!!』 最後に。ひつじ! 今までありがとうね。これからは横ではないけど、後ろから応援しているね。ところで、いつ飲む???(笑)ひつじバンザーイ! ヒツジストさんバンザーイ!!  Yマネ」と結んだ。
Yoshida sheep report end of contract with affiliation office Thanks to Mr. Y with a toast 2 shots accompanied by “than 12 years”
An actress Yoshida sheep reported on December 31th through the Instagram that he finished his affiliation with his office “ORANKU” on that same day.
Yoshida said, “I will report here that Yoshida sheep will end the affiliation agreement with my company office ORANKU with the deadline of 2018.12 / 31,” I told Mr. Y Mr. and Mr. Y Manhattan who are faithfully opposed to each other, It is the result of thinking about the future and discussing it well. ”

“Everyone who is supporting Yoshida sheep, especially for those who enthusiastically supported himself as a hizzist, I think that the absence of” Y Mane “is not easy to comply immediately though Whether it takes time, I am glad that you will understand someday and support the decision of the two. ”

Continue to “I have shared a lot of pleasures with Y Managers.With looking at me who was a tragedy of stage actors, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously, in the image world where Yoshida sheep We gratefully thanked him and said, “There are plenty, plenty, there are plenty, there are plenty, many sceneries that were only seen with Y Mane, each day we compensate for each other, encourage each other, collide with each other, forgive each other, forgive each other and cry Even laughing and angry days, everything was important, necessary and irreplaceable days, “retrospected.

“I will resolve my work partner, but I will continue to keep in touch with you as a precious friend I met in my life (I think that I will occasionally see her here in the future.) Y Man’s fan Everyone, please wait looking forward. “” Good “I am thankful to Y Man who fought together for about 12 years, I can not do it. Y Mana, No, Y really, really, thank you very much Thank you very much. ”

Also accompanied by a photo to toast with Mr. Y. “As mutual death water promises, I will take the one who left behind, and thank you for supporting” Yoshida sheep & Y mana “, so far I have had a lot of power I would like to express my deep appreciation to all the people who have lent me. ” “I will continue to do their best to make further growth with my great gratitude gained by two people in mind, so please continue to do our best.”

In some weekly magazines, it was reported that Yoshida is making efforts to settle and prepare for independence with Y’s president and manager, but ” “Please remember that fact only the words to be sent out are truth.” Then I wrote, “So thank you very much for your kindness in 2018. Thank you for your continued support in 2019.” I followed.

Also, Ms. Y posted a message. “Today as a sheep (sheep) will not be a relationship between” actress “and” manager “” While it is! “I am still a hit, I received a sheep membership card as a sheep. It is member number 1. No. Yee! Yee! Yee! (Lol) “Norinori.