The core story of SSSS.Dynazenon is largely based on episode 18 of the 1993 Gridman series, with Gauma being the same 5000 year old mummy from the episode. Impressive how they managed to create an entire series with one episode as a base.

0:00 Gauma opens the series & Episode Drop
0:17 Dragon Clan = Kaiju Eugenicists
3:08 Gauma the 5000 year old mummy
4:04 Gauma the hero
4:44 Gauma being “poisoned”
5:24 Princess suicide
5:49 Same mummy pic used in Dynazenon ep 11
6:18 Gauma still looking for his princess
6:38 Kahn Digifer laugh & Kaiju designs
7:25 Mummy revived
7:37 Gut Punch
8:06 Yuka reminds Gauma of the princess
8:29 Yuka voice cameo in Dynazenon ep 11
9:20 Princess-looking doll in Yomogi’s house
9:31 Dragon & Dynamic Cannon
10:48 Dragon
11:00 Gauma goes back to sleep
11:34 Dragon statue & medallion
13:02 Protecting the future
13:29 Timeless Promises, Love and…
14:15 Ghost Gauma
14:28 Mummy & Princess Reincarnations (Yomogi & Yume)
14:48 Gauma ends the series

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