
Kie Kitano – Hazakura(北乃きい)[Romanji]

Performed by Kie Kitano
Anime : –
Title : Kie Kitano – Hazakura(北乃きい)
Ilust : https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66094121
Release :12th October 2013
Album : –

Belum ada lirik indonya yang english aja belum ada kecuali ada yg mau sukarela nerjemahin dari romanji wkwkwkwkwk, ini termasuk lagu favorit saya 🙂

“I’m not owner from the original song or picture. I just made a translation and karaoke effect. Its purpose only to support the original owners of songs and images and all credits i give it to artist”