
佐藤健&土屋太鳳の登場に大歓声 映画「8年越しの花嫁 奇跡の実話」完成披露試写会1


 俳優の佐藤健さんと女優の土屋太鳳さんが11月16日、東京都内で開かれたダブル主演映画「8年越しの花嫁 奇跡の実話」(瀬々敬久監督、12月16日公開)の完成披露試写会に登場した。

 映画は、岡山県在住の尚志さんと麻衣さん夫妻がモデルとなった実話を書籍化した「8年越しの花嫁 キミの目が覚めたなら」(主婦の友社)が原作。尚志(佐藤さん)と結婚を約束した麻衣(土屋さん)が、結婚式の3カ月前、原因不明の病気に襲われる。昏睡(こんすい)状態となって数年後、麻衣は意識を取り戻すが……というストーリー。全国公開に先駆けて、岡山県では12月9日から先行公開される。


Released the movie “8 nengoshi no hanayome” (The 8-Year Engagement)

Actor Takeru Satoh and Actress Tao Tsuchiya appeared at the pre-release of the movie “8-Year Engagement” held in Tokyo on November 16th.

The film is based on the work “8 Toshikoshi no hanayome kimi no megasametanara” (tentatively translated as “8-year-sleeping -bride if you could wake up”)(by Author Shufunotomosha) was written based on a true story taken as the spouse of Takashi and Mai who resided in Okayama Prefecture.

The story is about, three months before the wedding, Takashi (acted by Satoh) and his fiancee Mai (acted by Tsuchiya), were attacked by unknown disease.

After many years of coma, Mai has regained her consciousness, …

Before the nationwide release, the film will premiere in Okayama prefecture on December 9th.

At the pre-release Hiroko Yakushimaru, Tetta Sugimoto, Kazuki Kitamura, Kenta Hamano, Yuri Nakamura and Director Takahisa Zeze also appeared.