
「花子とアン」蓮子(柳原白蓮/仲間由紀恵)の夫・伊藤伝右衛門Hanako to Anne

Hayama Renko (Yukie Nakama) of “Hanako and Anne” required the model which existed really.
it — Yanagihara –Byakuren..
Renko’s husband of No. 2 — the Kano Densuke (Yoshida Goutaro) — the model which existed really is the Ito Denemon.
The person of this animation is the ItoDenemon .
Although Renko andDenemon live together for ten years, a time pulls apart two persons soon.
white — the life of a lotus begins to get off track.
he led tumultuous life — Byakuren.
By this channel, she lives and it introduces appearance.
Production of coal was [ Meiji term ] prosperous in thedistrict in Fukuoka Prefecture.
If it is called the big three of those days, they will be Aso (it is former Prime Minister Taro Aso’s family line.), kaijima, and Yasukawa (Keiichiro).
adding a ditch and Ito (Denemon … Yanagihara Byakuren — the husband of a lotus) to this — “– it was called Chikuhou 5 Osumi ore main”, and proud of prosperity.