
ブル封(1) | 雪組 93

Title: ブルボンの封印 (Seal of the Bourbons; 브루봉의 봉인)
❄宝塚歌劇団 雪組 93 | Takarazuka Snow troupe 93 (다카라즈카 설조 93)

~Seal of the Bourbons~

⚔James, handsome, well-educated, and brilliant, is the adopted son of a family prominent in the English aristocracy. James is curious about his origins and wants to know why he was abandoned. He asks the Lady Buckingham, the woman who arranged his adoption when he was 5 years old. Unknown to James, Mazaran, a French official, wants to capture him. James is the son of the former King of France, Louis XIII, and the elder brother of King Louis XIV. In fact, James and the present king are twins. Louis XIII could not have children for a long time. When finally he had a baby boy he immediately announced that a prince, the heir to the throne of France, had been born. But just after this a second boy was delivered and in the case of twins the second one born is considered older than the first. The king thought it would be a bad omen if he had to announce a different heir. The second boy was James. The King arranged for a Nanny to accompany James to England.


⚔제임스는 잘 생기고, 교양, 재능있는 청년으로, 영국의 유명한 집안의 양자. 제임스는 왜 그가 버려졌는지 알고 싶어하고, 그는 5살 때 입양을 준비한 여성인 버킹엄 부인에게 물어보게되는데.. 제임스에게는 알려져 있지 않지만, 제임스는 전 프랑스 국왕 루이 13세의 아들이며, 루이 14세의 형. 사실 제임스와 현재 왕은 쌍둥이로, 곧 그들은 엄청난 파도속에 휘말리게 된다.

1993年10月29日 – 12月14日: 宝塚大劇場
1994年3月3日 – 3月28日: 東京宝塚劇場

James/King Louis XIV:一路真輝
Manon: 紫とも
Andrian Maurice:高嶺ふぶき
Lady Buckingham: 千雅 てる子
Mazaran: 星原 美沙緒
Carteret: 飛鳥 裕

Takarazuka’s masterpiece based on the original D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers! You will see charming and beautiful characters ⚔especially Adrian- will catch your eye. 🙂

その当時のフランスの人物、背景を美しく描き出した、原作三銃士と鉄仮面を興味深くアレンジした、本当に面白く見た作品です。エキサイティングに見た作品。(特にアドリアン・モーリス❤高嶺様のアドリアン..とても美しく、冷たい、情熱的な熱い男!彼が出てくるシーンごとに目を離せませんでした。❤😆) …一路さんの1人2役演技, とても素敵でした。*_*

…유키짱의 아드리안 모리스. 긴 흑발에 차갑고, 뜨거운 마음을 가진, 그야말로 만화속에서나 볼법한 인물이다. 작품을 보는내내 아드리안에 눈을 뗄수가 없더라는.*_* ..개인적으로 유키짱의 남역 중에서 세 손가락안에 꼭 꼽는 캐릭터다. 이 당시 설조의 작품은 역시 믿고본다 최고^^