求歌名Find Song Name:最遊記Saiyuki Reload Gunlock EP20 BGM

Have been looking for this song for years!!! But it is not collected in any OST or CDs. So I made it by ear copy with perfect pitch.

[Find Song Name]最遊記Saiyuki Reload Gunlock EP20「亀裂 〜misunderstanding〜」 Last BGM
Have been looking for this song for years!!! Could somebody tell me what name is this BGM and in which OST Disc is it???

求歌名!最遊記Reload Gunlock 第20話「亀裂 〜misunderstanding〜」同伴吵架分別的BGM伴奏。 請問此曲歌名是什麼?有沒有被收錄在哪張OST什麼的?我從中學到現在找了好久!QXQ 知道的請一定要告訴我,謝謝!!*V*