Edens Zero Full Manga Chapter 185 [60FPS 720p] | Corroded Area (Motion Manga)

It just had to be Justice, didn’t it? Although his words and facial expressions say the opposite, his actions have a whole load of romantic energy in them haha. Glad Elsie is safe for now, hope Acnoella doesn’t hit the final blow.

The set up for EZ crew vs Deadend Crow and then the 4 v 4 is very hype. I hope we see some good battle royale-style action with the crew helping one another out to show their strength but I doubt it’ll go that smoothly!

Just an FYI. Your boy has started a new job in the boring old corporate world. So my times a lot more limited now so chapters will undoubtedly be coming out later if at all. Hope u can all still support whatever I do and I can still create my content for the future 🤞

My SamiAnimeZero account got terminated because of my EZ content so this video won’t be public on YouTube for too long, like always, go find it on the site linked below.

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