【泰國皇室小點:記憶的美食】玫瑰花餃 | 蛋網 | 美味人生 第一季 第2集

The Nuaa 泰國皇室小點
還有一些「皇家小點」 因為製作耗力費時,所以一般人不一定有機會品嚐,
比如說下面這道——蛋網 ( Latiang )
快來一探 這道皇室小點 是如何製作的?!
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新唐人電視台 美味人生節目

It’s called Latiang or Egg Net, an authentic Thai royal dishes.
Slowly pour egg mixture into the pot and heat on low fire.
Prepare the filling and then wrap with egg net.
The restaurant owner and chef Pitipong
who retains the traditional craft of the royal cuisine
is in fact a second generation of overseas Chinese in Thailand.
His mother worked in the Thai royal kitchen for more than ten years
Chef Pitipong therefore obtained some unique royal recipes.