映画『ウルフズ』ジョージ・クルーニー & ブラッド・ピットが夢の競演!9月20日(金)日米同時公開決定!<予告1>

映画『ウルフズ』ジョージ・クルーニー & ブラッド・ピットが夢の競演!9月20日(金)日米同時公開決定!<予告1>

how did you get this number I was told not if I ever needed help to call you you’re a man who can fix things I didn’t know people like you really existed they don’t there’s nobody can do what I do who are you I’m here to take care of your problem who called [Music] [Applause] you we clearly have a situation here we have decided that the only course of action is for you both to work together no it’s not how I work this is not how I work [Applause] oh is a different thing now it’s going to be a long night where did you get the drugs I don’t know what you’re talking about where did you get the drugs talk there’s an art to this you may not realize what they just saying the same thing over and over let’s see your Technique I showed you my luggage card trick admit it it was cool okay fine it was very cool against the th how long have youve been partners he got like the same clothes kind talk the same like basically the same guy who’re not Partners there are people out there if they suspected I knew what he knew and I knew what he knew they would have us all killed immediately what I faced it all and I stop him work way [Music] so you secret Partners we’re not secret Partners Jesus Christ

#ジョージクルーニー & #ブラッドピット 、今世紀最大の2大スターがW主演 で夢の競演!

単独行動で暗躍する”フィクサー”と“フィクサー”が任された 1つの事件

9月20日(金)日米同時公開 決定!
期待高まる予告編が 全世界一斉初解禁 !!

単独行動で暗躍してきた<一匹オオカミ>のフィクサーとフィクサーが 同じ事件の現場で遭遇。
始末するはずの死体は生きていて、ターゲットが逃亡したことでトラブルに巻き込まれ 嫌々手を組むハメに‼️ この2人、最強のパートナーとなのか、最悪な状況を招くのか?
「ダークでぶっ飛んでる! まるでR指定版の『オーシャンズ』!」(ジョージ・クルーニー)


・ #ウルフズ 公式サイト