Kanazawa Legendary Komatsu-Yasuke (小松弥助), Master Chef Kazuo Morita's Tai (Sea Bream)

86 years old (as of Jul. 2017) Mr. Kazuo Morita, Master Chef of Komatsu-Yasuke (小松 弥助 = Yasuke of Komatsu-city) is usually called “The Legend of Sushi”. He started his carrier from 15 years old. He worked at Ginza and hone his skill. Mr. Hisaji Imai, founder and ex-master chef of Ginza Kyubey (銀座 久兵衛) called him “No.1 Sushi Chef in the world”. He firstly opened his own Sushi-Bar “Yasuke” in Komatsu-city, Ishikawa-pref. Then moved to Kanazawa-city. He once retired at 83 years old. But he came back in 2017!

(Please kindly be noticed now he only accept the reservation by regular guests of his previous restaurant.)