
桐谷美玲、秋冬トレンドの“しっかり”メーク 注目はベロアのアイテム 「TGC2017A/W」インタビュー


 女優の桐谷美玲さんが、9月2日にさいたまスーパーアリーナ(さいたま市中央区)で開催された大型ファッションイベント「マイナビ presents 第25回 東京ガールズコレクション(TGC) 2017 AUTUMN/WINTER」に出演。イベントの合間に取材に応じ、秋冬のトレンドが“しっかりメーク”だと話し、この日のメークについて「アイメークをしっかり入れました。抜け感というより、ちゃんとメークをするっていうことを意識しました」と明かした。



Mirei Kiritani, Delicately make-up with the Fall-Winter trend, attracted public due to Velor item

Actress Mirei Kiritani appeared at the large-scale fashion show “Mainabi Presents Dau-25-kai Tokyo Girls Collection 2017 AUTUMN / WINTER” in the Saitama Super Arena (Chūō-ku, Saitama) on September 2.

According to her interview during the break time of the event, she told “delicately make-up” with the Fall-Winter trend. Speaking of her make-up that day, she said, “I have my eye makeup done very carefully. I was aware that delicate makeup would be better than the feeling “nukekan (natural style, not for perfection, deliberately creating deficiency)”.

Today’s makeup highlighted eye liner, brown eyebrows and pink lipstick, combined with Deep Bordeaux’s nails that create the Fall-Winter style.

She smiled and shown her dress feature of a combination of black lace prints, Velor blue culottes and “texture differences” between the shirts (the feeling “nukekan”) and wide pants (valor fabric) “.