ANIME 2021.06.12 達也は佐倉 学を倒すことにした 灼熱カバディ11話 Tatsuya exploded in strength against Masato's will Shakunetsu Kabaddi ep11…
ANIME 2021.05.29 Shakunetsu Kabaddi ep9 Captain Masato unleashing his kingly power teaches his junior Souma 灼熱カバディ9話…
ANIME 2021.05.22 Captain Masato was on fire when he saw that Shinji had a crush on girls Shakunetsu Kabaddi 灼熱カバディ8話…
ANIME 2021.05.15 Tatsuyza and captain Masato demonic destroyed the entire Daisuke team | Shakunetsu Kabaddi |灼熱カバディ7話…
ANIME 2021.05.12 聖女の魔力は万能です6話 聖はホークと踊るThe Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent ep6 When Sei wore Corset like a bride…
ANIME 2021.05.08 灼熱カバディ6話 王城 正人の悪魔は怒って報復したShakunetsu Kabaddi episode6 The Devil Masato defeats Daisuke's entire team…
ANIME 2021.05.07 聖女の魔力は万能ですセイの対戦相手が登場 The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Yuri and the battle with Sei's enemies?…
ANIME 2021.04.21 聖女の魔力は万能です3話 小鳥遊聖とのホークの最初のデート The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Ep3: Albert confessed to Sei…