ANIME 2021.05.29 Shakunetsu Kabaddi ep9 Captain Masato unleashing his kingly power teaches his junior Souma 灼熱カバディ9話…
ANIME 2021.05.22 Captain Masato was on fire when he saw that Shinji had a crush on girls Shakunetsu Kabaddi 灼熱カバディ8話…
ANIME 2021.05.15 Tatsuyza and captain Masato demonic destroyed the entire Daisuke team | Shakunetsu Kabaddi |灼熱カバディ7話…
ANIME 2021.05.08 灼熱カバディ6話 王城 正人の悪魔は怒って報復したShakunetsu Kabaddi episode6 The Devil Masato defeats Daisuke's entire team…
ANIME 2021.05.07 聖女の魔力は万能ですセイの対戦相手が登場 The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Yuri and the battle with Sei's enemies?…